Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Give me rainstorms, too

We watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind this past Sunday. What a great movie. I am not a Jim Carrey fan, but I like him when he does serious roles. And Kate Winslet was terrific. Would you want to erase any and all bad relationships from memory? You can't grow as a person if you don't let yourself feel pain. I have my very good friend Audrey to thank for that life-changing piece of advice. Otherwise, you keep going back to the same type of person over and over again. Experiencing pain is just as much a part of life as having joy. In a strange way, it made me think of alcoholics, or any person addicted to a mood-altering drug. Any sign of pressure, there's the crutch to help you through. Any sadness, just pour another one and it will all be better. But they are not really dealing with life. This topic really hits home with me, having been married to someone for seven years who didn't want to deal with life. To quote another great movie, Parenthood, "give me the roller coaster!".

Next post will not have any movie references, I promise.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the movie references. You might even list your favorite movies for us to consider watching or disagree with.

I'm the one who asked Who is Tom Brady in the other posting.

Kim said...

He's the quarterback for the superbowl-winning New England Patriots. I only know this because of my husband's love for football.

Julie said...

I loved Eternal Sunshine too. In fact, it's on our list to watch again. I agree with the Jim Carrey in serious roles assessment. One of my favorite movies he was in was The Truman Show, mainly because (spoiler here for anyone who may have not seen it) when he runs his boat into the wall of the soundstage the anguish he showed just touched me.

And I've always said I don't regret any mistakes or stupid things I've done in my past, because it has all helped me become the person I am today, and I'm pretty happy with who I am.