Jav and I went to the Ranger Game against the Braves last night, and sat in the first row of the home run porch (with glove in tow, of course). This was the first time either of us had sat on the porch, and we really liked being able to see those miraculous outfield catches up close. Gary Matthews Jr. made an unbelievable play. He caught a fly ball while running and looking over his shoulder for the first out, then made an unhuman throw to first to get Julio Franco out, who had run to second thinking the ball had gone over Matthews' head. Even though the Rangers lost, we were really enjoying our ballgame experience.
The big dumb drunk hillbilly decided to sit a few seats down from us. He was either very sunburned or had turned a permanent shade of ruddy from all the alcohol. He kept spitting, anywhere, every 10 seconds or so. He kept trying to talk to everyone within hearing proximity, bragging about how he usually sits behind home plate, but tonight thought he'd "see what it was like in the cheap seats". He tried to get everyone with caps on to put them on "rally style". And although he never tried to talk to Jav and I, the anger I started having towards this person almost ruined the whole night for me. I started praying that someone, on either team, would hit a home run that would hit him on the head and knock him cold. But no such luck. I really did ponder what I could do to make this guy go away. I wanted to hit him, but knew that wasn't a real option, just one of those imaginary ones that makes you feel better for a few minutes. We couldn't really get security down there, because he technically wasn't doing anything that bad. What could we have done? Other than try to tune him out (impossible) until after the game, then trudge to the car with a stomach ache because my nachos weren't sitting well after all of that anger.
I guess there are times in life when you just have to put up with really annoying people.
I am sorry about the annoying fan, however I am sitting here giggling thinking about you and Jav sitting there in your wonderful seats and while the camera is on you a fly ball bounces off of your head (like poor Jose).
Man, that sounds worse than the dancing lady.
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