I love watching The Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic Channel. I have learned so much about what I should have done to train my dogs better. Stanley's 12 and 1/2 and I don't think I see him changing much - and frankly don't think he should have to at that age. But I still have hope that we can remove a little of the dominance out of Molly. We are, of course, a little concerned about bringing a new baby home and how the dogs will react, and I saw a great episode about just that. In the show, Caesar used a special, new harness to get a dominant dog to start treating the humans walking him as pack leaders. It had one strap way up right under the dog's jaw, one farther back on the neck, and one strap behind the dog's shoulders. It was a really interesting show, because apparantly dogs automatically know once the baby is born that he is a pack leader also, being our offspring, albeit a very tiny one at first.
Well, we decided to try to find this newfangled harness and couldn't find one at Petsmart, or anywhere online. So I emailed the Dog Whisperer on his website, where they encourage questions of any kind, asking about the harness. I'm not sure what kind of help I expected, but what I didn't expect was finding THREE emails the next morning trying to hawk Caesar's books and upcoming video. This continued for a couple of days, and then I unsubscribed, even though I had never subscribed in the first place. I still like watching his show, I guess, but I've lost alot of respect for him now. And I still haven't found the blasted harness.
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