Monday, July 02, 2007

Oh ya gotta have...friends

My high school friends and I decided to take ourselves to Fredericksburg to celebrate our 40th birthdays. This was the first trip the four of us have taken together since high school drill team trips (unless there was a trip to visit someone in college that I'm not thinking of).

We left around 2 Friday afternoon. You know, the road trip is something I have definitely missed for the last few years. The anticipation, the music, the snack food in the car. Getting there definitely can be half the fun! Especially when you are in such great company and the laughter just keeps coming and coming.

We stayed in a great B&B called Quinta Mariposa (Country House of the Butterfly), that served us well, other than the wacky layout of the house and the uneven floors that everyone kept tripping over. Oh, and the fact that they didn't serve breakfast. Why even call yourself a B&B for gosh sakes?

We decided to cook our dinners in both nights to save money, and because it's just funner. Spaghetti on Friday night, then some great games of Scene It. And of course the requisite People magazines, etc.. to thumb through - before we knew it, it was 2 in the morning. Well, I was the party pooper all weekend, having to turn in the earliest. But I was actually pretty proud of myself since I normally go to bed at 11.

We left to hit downtown Saturday morning, and had a great time in all of the shops. I decided I want to work in the Kuchen Laden (kitchen supply-I'm not sure about the spelling) store. We had a great lunch (mine would've been better with some German beer-yummy). A trip to get some roadside stand Fredericksburg peaches and a stop at Wal Mart, and as Julie stated in her blog earlier, they are so much nicer in small towns. Then back to our B&B for a late afternoon movie. We chose Animal House, which my husband was so impressed by. He thought we'd pick a chick flick for sure.

Then we had our required eating, Rotel and chips (it's become our signature dish), along with some really good tacos. We played a couple of very fun games of Cranium, then a couple more of Scene It. I had to conk out at that point, while the other girls watched Say Anything.

We were sad to have to pack up and leave the next morning. Why is it just when you're getting used to staying somewhere you have to pack up and leave? But we got to have a great breakfast at a little bakery. We left for home around 11:30. This got us to the Dairy Queen in Hamilton just in time for lunch. There is a little known Texas law that says you must eat at a Dairy Queen in a small town at least once during a road trip, or suffer the consequences.

And the funnest part of the trip was all the conversations, laughter, and memory-sharing you can only have with really good friends that you have known a long, long time. Who have stuck by you in good times and bad, and know you inside and out. This was one trip that I've been waiting for for a long time, and the actual event was even better than the anticipation.

Here are some top-of-my-head moments that I'll always remember: (Some of which we'll have the pictures to help)

the clicking burners-make it stop!

the wacky window in the bathroom/laundry area that looked into the dining room

the porch swing we spent 5 minutes in

the Alice in Wonderland dream I had about someone leaving brightly colored cookies and cakes all over the house during the night

me mistakenly using Julie's toothbrush

the shops that just kept going on forever once we got inside

that Julie forgot to pack underwear, leading to the hysterical underwear shopping and crazy hat-trying on at the 5 and dime

the peach with a couple of bites taken out that the fruit stand man wanted Jana to try

the humming, first me doing Downtown, then Auddie doing Walk This Way during Cranium

the rude woman who wouldn't get up from our breakfast table

I can't wait for the next trip!

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