Jav had given me a Central Market giftcard for my birthday way back in August. I couldn't decide on a class. I always thought I'd want to do a "hands-on" class, where the students actually cook with the teaching chef. But when it came down to brass tacks, this really made me nervous. I just don't think I'd enjoy myself. I'd be so concerned I was doing something wrong. I know that's silly, but that's just the way I am. Plus no matter how good the outcome, I'm a very sloppy cook.
So I decided to take a class where I could just watch, hopefully learn, and eat. I asked Jav to go with me once I found out there was a class scheduled with a chef we had both heard alot about. Donatella Trotti, the lovely owner of Nonna Tata (a tiny restaurant in the hospital district in Fort Worth), brought her authentic Northern Italian cuisine and sparkling personality last Monday night, and we were lucky enough to be there to enjoy it. She has been written up several times in the Star Telegram - once when the restaurant first opened, then a long piece where they told her very interesting story. She had lived in Italy until her early 30's, and had a career in the fashion industry. She came to the US and was offered a job opening up and managing several Versace stores across the country. One of those places was Dallas, where she lived for 8 years. She met her lawyer husband there, and decided instead of continuing to cook mounds of food for friends every weekend that she wanted to open a restaurant. They moved to Fort Worth, and Nonna Tata (Grandma Tata in Italian) was born two years ago. It has been a resounding success. There are only 10 tables in the whole restaurant, and there are lines to get in every night. On warm nights, people have been known to bring their own table and chairs and set up on the sidewalk, and they have even brought meals out to people tailgaiting in the back of their truck! Jav and I have been dying to eat there.
So we jumped at the chance to not only have her cook for us, but to explain everything while we were eating. Her husband, Gaylen Groce, came along and introduced the wines they served with our dinners (he is also a lovely, warm person). Donatella picked recipes that we could all actually make at home. There was nothing too hard or made with ridiculous specialty ingredients. Our appetizer plate was her trademark Foccacia, tiny roasted potatoes with gorgonzola, and fried sage leaves (which was Jav's favorite thing of the night). Then on to lentil soup, which was my favorite. It literally melted in my mouth. Our main course consisted of a lamb casserole with thinly sliced potatoes and carrots and tons of rosemary, and grilled radicchio on the side. I have never had lamb, and was a little worried I wouldn't like it. But I ate every bite. Then dessert was pannacotta (which translates literally to "cooked cream" - how can that not be good?). The whole meal was heavenly, but Donatella's charm and stories of her family back home made the evening twice as special. We found out that she and only one female assistant are IT at the restaurant. They make everything by hand, every night they are open. She even gave us her email in case we had questions about cooking any of the dishes. This woman truly loves to cook for people, and it comes out in her food. It was a wonderful evening.
Now we REALLY can't wait to eat there!!
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