Joel is on the top. Until I dug this old pic out of Gabriel I was under the illusion Joel looked alot like Gabriel at his age. Boy was I wrong! The shape of their heads are different, their noses and eyes are different, Joel's skin tone is much darker than Gabriel's (we're not sure whether this is from Jav's side of the family or mine, with our American Indian heritage). The only things they have the same are their head size and their tempers!
Joel has apparently been using me as a human pacifier this week, waking up three or four times a night. I was convinced that he was hungry until today when he had his check up, when I realized after talking with the doctor that he's been playing me like a fiddle. So we have to start the tough love thing over the next couple of weeks. I'll go along with one nighttime feeding, but he needs to get himself back to sleep any other times. Or maybe I'll at least go in and scratch his back. Or pick him up to rock him.
He started the wonderful world of solid food today and I'm hoping his tummy will handle it okay. It was wonderful tonight during dinner to be able to include him in our eating instead of just holding him in my lap.
He also started laughing out loud this week, which is just priceless to hear. The first time he did it I was singing Old MacDonald and making a horse noise. Then yesterday during a desperate attempt to keep him happy a little longer while I was cooking dinner, I started using my tummy as a drum then bending down close to him. I did this over and over and he just loved it.
He weighs about 1-1/2 pounds less than Gabriel did at four months, and is an inch longer. I know I have more to type but I'm just too sleepy to continue. Come on cereal, don't let me down tonight!
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