Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fight it!

Gabriel waiting for the garbage truck to go by where he can see it from the back yard.

Gabriel was getting ready to go spend an afternoon with Jav's Mom last Monday and I had told him to find some shoes. He came out with one blue croc and one tan croc on and announced he was wearing two different colors today. I loved this so much, because it was totally his idea, and because it shows an attempt to fend off some of the OCD that I know he has inherited from me. I know he has it, but that's a whole nuther post.

Every day this week he has come out with two different colored crocs. We have been getting great smiles at the grocery store and the library when people notice his feet. One man said to his wife as they passed us, "I bet he has another pair just like that at home." and chuckled.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Before I had kids, I was soooooooo judgemental when it came to parents letting their kids watch what I considered to be too much TV. I usually would not say anything out loud, but my inside voice was all high and mighty talking about me never letting my kids watch very much TV.

Oh how things change once the reality of having children slaps you silly. I started letting Gabriel watch a half hour of TV just after turning six months old. It quickly became an hour. Then for a long time I tried to only let him watch an hour in the morning and and hour in the evening while I cooked dinner. This is still my idea of enough TV for a three year old. The only time he got more was when he was sick.

Now we just sort of "let the TV time fall as it may" each day. There are those days, you know the ones? Where I don't even have the energy to turn it off. It's just comforting to know that it's on, as if there's another person helping me take care of my kid. At least Gabriel still doesn't watch anything with commercials yet. Just PBS and Nick Jr. And movies. He usually sticks with one movie for two to three weeks, so we get to know them really well before they have to step down to their replacement. Right now we're on Hercules. I could sing you all the songs if you wanted me to. They pop up in my dreams at night.

I just started letting Joel watch, especially after finding the Baby Einstein DVD's we had put up when Gabriel got too old for them. How could I have forgotten them, as many times as we watched them? Gabriel is also enjoying seeing them again, and the two of them together are just so cute. Joel only sticks with a whole half hour if Gabriel is watching with him. But it just gives me a chance to cook dinner without feeling quite so rushed, which is nice.

So my attitude towards TV has softened, and hopefully I'm not ruining my kids' imagination. My favorite thing to watch during the day now is an episode of Jeopardy, to prove to myself that my own brain is not fried. And even though I don't think he understands a word, Gabriel likes to watch with me, proving that to a kid, any TV is good TV.

Friday, June 18, 2010


He has a farm animal puppet glove on his head. Gabriel put it there and told me to take a picture.

The top half while sitting in his new jumper.

And the bottom half. Wow.

I love this picture.

Joel (a.k.a. The Pudgelet) had his first big belly laugh last Sunday. We finally got Gabriel's Bozo Bopping Bag blown up from Christmas (!), and every time he punched it and it wobbled back and forth Joel just squealed and laughed with delight. Which of course made Gabriel belly laugh too. It was so darn cute! Joel can't take his eyes off of his brother if he's in the room.

He has his first tooth that's finally broken through on the bottom. I'm thinking another one is one the way the way he's gnawing on everything in sight. He's starting to communicate more with little noises (and big loud noises too). He is such a sweet and affectionate baby and loves to be kissed. He's trying to kiss back but all he can do is lunge at your face with his mouth open.

I think he may be days away from starting to crawl. This morning I found him in his crib on all fours for the first time. Usually he's just propped up with his arms and his legs are straight behind him. Then later at my mom and dad's he started rocking back and forth and my mom said, "Uh oh. He's about to take off!" All of a sudden my floors seem even more full of pet hair then they actually are with the thought of him sashaying around the house face down. Ugh.

His days of being a little helpless baby are over, which makes me a little sad even though it also makes things much easier. At least he still has that baby smell. I wish I could bottle it. I could take it out and remember these wonderful days even when he gets the sweaty boy smell.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Makes perfect sense.

I'm trying to teach Gabriel the days of the week. So today during breakfast this was our conversation:

Me: "What day is today?"

Him: (I thought he said) "Monday"

Me: "Good! And what day comes after Monday?"

Him: "Tuesday".

Me: "Excellent! Then what's next?"

Him: "Threesday."

And I realize that he's actually been saying "Oneday" instead of Monday all along.

I love that kid.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Gabriel had a library book about two months ago that was full of traffic signs. I never noticed how many of them were around us while driving until he started pointing them out to me. Leave it to a child to see things that we grownups take for granted. He had so much fun finding them and trying to figure out what they meant. This was the only sign in our neighborhood that was not in the book. And below that picture is why we have that sign. Our little neighborhood duck pond is so pretty, but I hate it when it gets really dry like it is now. I worry about our ducks, fully knowing that they don't really belong to me. I hope we get some rain soon!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

First week of summer

So much to write about, so little time!

Joel is all about kicking his strong little legs. He does it when he's happy, when he's excited, when something is funny, and when he's tired. It already cracked us up, but then tonight he was sitting in his new jumper that I put together this week (go me!), and he did it standing up. When you combine those crazy legs with his intense stare of concentration and cartoonish classical music, you get full-blown hysterical. I thought I was going to lose my dinner I was laughing so hard. He had his six-month checkup last week. He's 21 pounds even and 28-1/2" long. The directions for the jumper say the baby can't be more than 30" tall, but I think he'll hit that well before he turns a year old. They don't make baby stuff for plus-size babies. Discrimination!

While at my gyn. office, I got really sad thinking about the fact that I will never be pregnant again. I know it's just plain greedy after receiving these two gifts, but I just can't help it. If we'd gotten started sooner I probably would have wanted at least one more, maybe even more. But I'm not quite crazy enough to act on this. My almost-43-year-old body probably couldn't take another one, to say nothing of the risks at our age and with our history. Sigh.

On to happier subjects! Gabriel has taken to peeing in the potty like a duck to water. He's letting us know when he has to go, stays dry all day, and he's gone at several places besides home and been totally comfortable doing it. I'm blown away by how great he's doing. We'll work on the other area. Bribes really seem to work with him, and he really wants us to get Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer for him to watch (he found my old Rudolph book in a big box the other day and hasn't stopped talking about it).

Gabriel and I had a mid-week zoo trip, and the weather was surprisingly pleasant. It was supposed to rain that morning, and the temperature was around 85 or so. We explored the new Museum of Living Art (the new herpetarium), and it is truly incredible. The funniest thing that happened was in the Bug and Spider Room. Gabriel had been oohing and aahing at all sorts of snakes and lizards up to that point with no fear whatsoever. But when he got a look at the tarantula, he said, "Put me down. Put me down. I don't wike it." He ran in to tell me while I was making lunch yesterday that there was a tarantula in Joel's room. It was a little black spider no bigger than a nickel. Anyway, we also rode the carousel (which I'm wondering if it's the original one we used to ride as kids) and found the rather cheesy petting zoo, with one guinea hog, seven chickens and two goats to pet. We also found the penguin house and the kangaroos. We only stayed an hour and 45 min. and had a fantastic time. The only complaint I have about the herpetarium is that they got rid of the aquarium and the sea lions, which were always really fun to see. I also loved that big underwater room you could go down into and see all the fish swimming around. They have several see-through walls with fish and turtles, and even huge crocodiles, though, to make up for it. The komodo dragon exhibit is really cool too.

And I am working on the project of cleaning/fixing up our back porch. I figure we are going to spend tons of time out there this summer and I want to make it more inviting. We need to clean up Gabriel toys and get a "toy box" (heavy duty plastic box) to put them in. I want to add several units of storage drawers to put things like bug spray, suntan oil, and all the things I'm constantly running back inside to grab. We're getting Jav a small charcoal grill for Father's Day, which he already knows about because I had asked for it for my birthday but he really wanted one too. We are eventually going to get a wheelbarrow cover or tarp so that we can get it off the porch and I can store my potting soil, mulch, etc.. in it. We need to get some lawn chair covers too and get them off the porch. We only have two chairs with our table right now and I'd like to add two more. I want some pillows for the porch swing, some funky lights to hang, and some citronella candles and tiki torches to combat the mosquitos. And finally (this is down the road, at least next year), it would be cool to get a small dorm room refrigerator to have cold drinks available out there (another thing I'm constantly going back inside to get).

This will take all summer to get it right and spread out the costs, but I will be patient. We got the toy box today, so I'll start by cleaning up Gabriel's toys tomorrow and getting them stored away. I love getting organized!

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Monumental day

Gabriel around 7 or 8 months old.

Wow. Yesterday was quite a day. I spent the whole second half of the day fretting about the dog's poop and trying to get Gabriel to pee in the potty chair, which he did several times before Jav got home.

Molly has had what we'll just call tummy issues for about two weeks. At first we just assumed she had eaten something crazy that messed her up for awhile. But when we realized it still wasn't better I called the vet. He suggested taking her off food completely for 24 hours (which was awful). Then the next day she got 1/4 of what she usually eats, then 1/2, etc... I was really concerned that something serious was wrong with her since this has never gone on for so long before. But finally, yesterday afternoon, (and an hour after I had called the vet to see why she still hadn't gone), all was better and seemingly back to normal. So now we realize our original diagnosis was correct: She ate something crazy. She's such a hound. But I sure am glad she's back to being a healthy hound!

After trying to be pretty laissez-faire about potty training for the past two months or so, (Mr. Metcalf would be so proud of me for the proper use of that term!), we decided it was time to get a little more pushy about things. It's now becoming a hinderance. I was going to sign Gabriel up for his first soccer class at the Hurst Rec Center, but they only take potty trained kids. So Jav and I came up with a strategy of telling him, "you have 5 more days with diapers. Then they're going away." Plus we got him a really neat toy that he could play with for a short time every time he used the potty chair. He found a mobile crane at Target that he just fell in love with, and off we went. We weren't supposed to start until Saturday, but he woke from his nap wanting to try. He was successful (for the first time, ever) around 6pm last night. I tried to call Jav but couldn't get ahold of him. He called on the way home and congratulated him like crazy. After that we took him every 20 minutes or so to try.

Today has gone well, although we're continuing the bribes for now. Gabriel got bored with the crane at some point this morning and asked for a diaper. So we had to come up with a continual "prize" strategy. He's gotten a new puzzle, an Elmo potty book, and a whole bunch of matchbox trucks, buses, motorcycles, etc.. And he got a chocolate cupcake with pink frosting after dinner tonight. He goes in every 10 minutes to see if he can go enough to extract a prize from the prize cabinet. Tomorrow we'll try to back off of the bribes a bit and see what happens. I'm truly amazed at how well it's gone, although it has been exhausting. But he's made great strides and hopefully is building his confidence every time he goes. We'll see.

Now if Joel starts crawling tomorrow we will have ourselves one humdinger of a weekend. I'm just joking, really. We already have. I'm just bursting with happiness because my Molly girl is better, and of course for what Gabriel's done.

Thursday, June 03, 2010


We have a new semi-pet. He is a crow. He is perhaps the biggest, most badass crow I've ever witnessed. And he has taken residence up in our yard because of our birdbath. He has claimed that birdbath for his very own. He guards it. He drinks from it all day long. And he dunks whatever he has decided to eat in it. Every day. We started seeing him every single time we went outside or left the house, or came back home. So we named him. Gabriel now says bye to him along with our other pets whenever we go somewhere.

One day there were pecan shells left in the water. Not so bad. One day there was a big wadded up piece of bread. One day there was the remains of a snake. No kidding. But the worst was the day I had to refill the water because Jav was out of town. There, lying in the very disgusting water, was a leg bone of something. I tried to convince myself maybe it was a rib leftover from someone's cookout. But this was just ridiculous, as it took up the entire diameter of the birdbath. Yuck.

Crows are pretty darn smart, we also have determined. Or at least Charlie is. One early morning as I left for a walk with Joel and Molly he came swooping down over my head and landed on a low branch and just stared me down. He was letting me know that I needed to change the water, which I had forgotten to do the day before. Jav said he did the same thing to him a few evenings before when he left for his run.

I haven't been able to get a good picture of Charlie. He's too quick for me. These really don't do him justice, so I'll keep trying. And even though I don't like the fact that he's not letting other birds drink from the birdbath (luckily we have some smaller water holders nearby), I still find the whole thing kind of cool. It's like we have The Discovery Channel on live right outside our window.