We had Joel baptized last night - finally! We had put it off this long so that his godparents from Mexico could be here. But because of all the flooding in Monterrey and around the border, they couldn't come after all and we had to ask my brother and Jav's sister to stand in as proxies for them. And considering our priest, Father Paul, believes in total immersion (which we went along with after much deliberating), Joel did really well. He was so shocked that it took him all three dips in the water before he worked out his scream. But he calmed down relatively quickly. It was a great service, and we had everyone to the house afterwards for barbeque and it was SO much fun.
I had spent all week trying to clean house which is relatively impossible with a baby and a preschooler. Somehow it all got done, and Jav and I worked like trojans all day yesterday to try to get everything ready before we had to get ready for Mass. I was determined, however, to relax and have a good time once everyone got here, and that's just what I did. My Mom suggested I channel my maternal grandmother (Mamaw), who used to throw parties quite a bit. She would never panic about anything, and would just have some wine and thoroughly enjoy herself. I did pretty good and I think everyone else had a good time, too.
Joel is losing that baby thing waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too fast. Of course size-wise he never really had that baby thing. And my gosh is he getting bigger. I can't wait to find out what he weighs and how long he is at the nine month check-up. Actually yes I can wait. As I said, it's all going too fast. But the biggest change is in personality, and how all of sudden he has a distinct one. He protests if you take a toy away from him. He's finally started babbling again and if he's awake, he's talking. He's trying to clap his pudgy hands together and gets so proud of himself when he gets even a little close. He is so laid back compared to the way Gabriel was. Gabriel had swim class for almost two weeks and Joel would just hang out with me, sitting on a beach towel playing with a water bottle or whatever I gave him. Sometimes he fussed a little if I didn't have time to feed him before we left the house, but all I had to do is hug him a little and he would stop. He's just the BEST baby. When he does get mad about something, he invariably says, "mama" really clearly.
Last week I had to get a little upset with him when he kept biting me on the shoulder (he has a really hard time when he's teething). After the first couple of quiet tries didn't work, I had to raise my voice quite a bit. He burst into tears. It was then that I had confirmation of how opposite his personality is from his brother, who was never too concerned if I got mad at him. Sensitive!!! Joel is starting to get into watching Baby Einstein more, and does some crazy half-running, half jumping moves all through a showing. I've got to catch it on video. Along with the clapping attempts and the sweet way he looks at his daddy when he comes home from work every day.
Gabriel is mostly happy with these changes. He just doesn't like it when Joel grabs one of his toys and starts chewing on it. Joel still can't quite get his crawler to work, and keeps scooting backwards and getting frustrated. If I'm not in the room, Gabriel will bring him a toy (or two or three or four) to console him. Mealtimes are getting more and more fun with Gabriel trying to get a laugh out of Joel. It doesn't take much! You'd think I wouldn't still be marveling over the fact that I am lucky enough to have had two of these wonders.
It warms my heart to hear how happy you are.
Thanks Christi. I feel like a kid junkie sometimes. I can't get enough of them!
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