Labor Day weekend we went to Randol Mill Park to feed the ducks and have a picnic for my mother-in-law's birthday. That's what she wanted to do.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The instrument game
Gabriel is obsessed with The Instrument Game. We listen to songs and he asks, "What instruments do I hear?" and I say, "You tell me" and sometimes he can get them all and sometimes I have to help out a little. He can pick out flutes, cellos, violins and conga drums in songs. And accordions and harps and saxophones. His absolute favorite, though, is the banjo. His favorite song to sing is Oh, Susanna, because of the banjo.
I've had an early Beatles CD in the car for about a month, and you would think he would get tired of the instrument game when all there is to choose from is lead guitar, rhythm guitar, bass guitar and drums. For pretty much every song! Now he's learned most of the words, and it's so cool to hear him singing, "Eight Days a Week" or "I Don't Want to Spoil the Party" around the house. The inside of the CD had a black and white picture of the band playing somewhere, maybe the Ed Sullivan show. He carries it with him around the house and just stares at it. Every once in awhile he names them off, just to make sure he has them right. He takes it with him in the car and stares at it while he's listening to the CD. We got him a Beatles t-shirt and the movie Help for his birthday. I figure I will cash in on this obsession until he starts to hate them in a few years!
He loves all types of music and lately we've been sitting with him going through You Tube videos of people actually playing these instruments. We found one of an older man playing Oh Susanna, with an actual banjo, and he gave him a standing ovation afterwards. I made him a CD for his birthday with all the popular songs I can think of that have crazy instruments in them. There's some REM, Johnny Cash, Asleep at the Wheel, even some Stones.
We're thinking of getting him a little drum kit for his birthday, which is certifiably crazy, but we don't care. I still think he's too young for lessons and all of the structure they bring, so why not just let him do his thing for at least another year? Then we'll see. He's actually getting pretty good keeping up with the rhythms on songs, so who knows? And of course, his little brother, who wants to do everything Gabriel is doing, has started playing the toy piano (he stands on his knees), and plucking on Gabriel's toy guitar. I can already see "garage band" in the future. Better start pricing soundproofing.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The Great American Vacation
So we finally nailed down a date and started major planning. We thought the day would never get here, especially when both kids and then me came down with bad colds the week before leaving. We still had to postpone our trip by a day due to Joel. It's such a hard and long car trip even when the kids feel good, that I just didn't see it working at all when he didn't feel well. It was great that we could wait an extra day because I think it really made a difference on how he and I felt when we finally left Sunday morning. Here are some of the highlights:
We knew we were in for a long drive when Gabriel yelled out at the intersection of B.Stair and 820, "We're almost at the beach!" But really the kids did amazingly well. I overpacked, of course, so there was very little room for people in our van. But we made it to Fredericksburg just in time to meet with my Great Uncle and two Great Aunts. That was the whole reason for stopping there on the way, because they had never seen Joel and we haven't visited in about a year and a half. All of them are in their upper 80's so I really wanted to see them. Being tired from the drive, we didn't think to take the camera inside and don't have any pictures of Uncle Robert holding Joel on his knee, or Gabriel showing Aunt Lou and Aunt Gena his favorite car book. OR of Joel pulling up to a standing position for the first time ever on their ottoman. I'm still mad at myself about that. We ate dinner at Auslander, one of the more touristy German restaurants, but they have really good German beer, and it was fun. I wanted to leave really early the next morning, but was out-voted. So I resigned myself to just take our time and get to Padre whenever. We had some stress trying to get both kids to bed at the same time in the same room, but after about 30 minutes of laying down with them they were quiet.
For breakfast the next morning, we ate one of our best meals at a little hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant that used to be a bar on the outskirts of town. Man, was that good food!!!! Traditional too. My father-in-law got menudo, and I think I would have even tried it. The tortillas were homemade. Just so, so yummy! Now that I think about it, I think it was the best meal on the trip. The next two pics are from there. I love the one of Joel dancing with his Tita, and I wish the one of Gabriel with the pinatas would have turned out better.
That second day was a LONG boring drive, as we all knew it would be. I passed some time with Gabriel showing him how to play air guitar, piano, drums, horns and just about anything we could think of while we were listening to his music. By the time we were driving through Harlingen (with still an hour before you get to the island), Joel had HAD it and couldn't figure out why Mommy was two feet away but couldn't hold him. It was so good to finally get there around 5:30. I tried to get the kids settled in while they all unpacked the van and brought in our tons of stuff. Jav took Gabriel down to say hello to the beach, with the promise that we would be seeing much more of it during the whole week. But then we realized at 7 that we still had to get groceries for the week. We decided to take both kids with us after we fed them dinner. Joel passed out sometime during our shopping trip, but Gabriel was wired. It was fun, though. How come even mundane grocery shopping is funner when you're on vacation? We got home and didn't get the kids into bed until 11 something, then all the adults ate dinner. What a long, hard day. But we were at the beach, so who cared?
Our first time to the beach with Joel didn't go well at all. He still had a bad cold, so runny messy nose that drives Mama crazy. Then, we didn't put sunscreen on them until we got down to the water. BIG mistake. It was an itchy mixture of sand and sunscreen, and it was really hot and we didn't have any shade. Jav was contemplating renting one of the big umbrellas and beach chairs when I decided that Joel just needed to go back to the nice air conditioned room and have a bath. He was much happier and immediately took a nap. The pic below shows a happier, cleaned up Joel back at the condo watching TV. Ahhhh. Jav and Gabriel stayed a little longer, but it was just really hot the first couple of days. We met a really nice couple, Jesse and Frida, from Texarkana while we were down that first morning, and saw them occasionally on the trip. After lunch I decided to try and get both boys down for a nap, something we did every day after that. The bedroom has huge thick drapes that don't let in any sunlight, so I started calling it The Cave. I always hold Joel during nap time, and it was so sweet to have Gabriel sleeping right next to us. Once when I woke up for a few minutes Gabriel had his hand on Joel's foot.
In the afternoons we decided to hit the pool since it was entirely shaded by about 4:30. I debated about putting Joel in the water, but decided it was ok as long as his head didn't go under. He loved floating around with Mommy. Jav and I took turns working with Gabriel on all he had learned in swim class this summer. Then we would all get cleaned up and bring in takeout for dinner. We only went to one nicer (kind of a stretch) restaurant, Blackbeard's while we were there. One funny thing Gabriel did during dinner one night was start talking like a robot. Completely out of the blue. We were having trouble understanding him and everyone was getting kind of frustrated because he wouldn't repeat anything in regular talk, just robot talk. All of a sudden, he said, "I'm freaking everybody out" in robot talk, and we all died laughing and couldn't stop. I don't know where he heard that, but just the fact that he understands things and knows the exact moment to say them amazes me. He has impeccable comic timing.
The next morning at the beach went a little better, but Joel still didn't like it too much. We stayed long enough to see something really cool, though. A pod of dolphins were making there way along and we could see them jumping up out of the water as they went. I started noticing Joel messing and pulling on his ears on this day, but he still wasn't really fussy so I held off on getting the antibiotic filled. That afternoon in the pool Joel discovered that if he kicked his legs like he loves to do on the ground, the water would splash really high! We got some funny video of that. Jav and his Dad drove to the airport in Harlingen to pick up Tia Sandie, who was going to spend the rest of the trip with us and ride with us back home. That night Gabriel had alot of trouble going to sleep and started saying he wanted to go home. I think he was just over tired and wanted his bed.
Each day we woke up a little later. I can't believe how much sleep I got on this trip. I decided to try feeding Joel before we went down to the beach and he fell asleep. Tita agreed to watch him while I went down with Jav, Gabriel and Sandra. What a fun morning we had. The weather had turned (the heat spell in FW broke the day before with a high of 77!!!), and it was cloudy and the waves seemed much bigger. We had a blast jumping in them. Then build a sand castle. I didn't want Tita to deal with a fussy Joel so I went back after a couple of hours. He seemed to be messing with his ears even more, so Friday we filled the prescription the the doctor had given us before we left. It turns out now that we're back home and he's still messing with them that his hair has grown long enough to keep hitting the back of his ear.
That night after dinner Jav, Gabriel and Sandra walked down to the beach with a glowstick to look for crabs. They got to see quite a few creatures, including one that we all now call Sandworms (from BeetleJuice) that Tia Sandie ran from without any regard for anyone else but herself. She was telling them to run from the "big, rattley funny-looking things". How comforting! I really wanted to go, but decided to stay and get Joel to sleep. A dad and his daughter (Gabriel's age or so) had been catching hermit crabs and she showed hers to Gabriel. Once again, Gabriel had a blast.
Our last day at the beach sadly came. And with it brought a pretty fussy Joel. So I didn't go down to the beach that last morning. Sigh. But I got another nap with Joel in the Cave. Aaahhhhh. And did some packing. Jav decided to shell out the dough to rent an umbrella for the day in case his parents wanted to go down later in the day. Tia Sandie stayed down there all day. She and Gabriel were getting really good at sand castles by now. We all had a late lunch and after a brief quiet time for Gabriel went down to the pool. Jav and Gabriel swam and swam while Tito, Joel and I watched. There was a girl walking around in a bikini who came up to show us her three-month-old. What do women do to themselves to lose that much weight that fast after giving birth? Whatever it is, I didn't do it!!! We all went down to the beach to say goodbye to the ocean and take some pictures. We wanted a good one of Joel sitting in the sand just like the great one we got of Gabriel when he was 13 months old (and we ended up using it for Christmas cards that year). But Joel wouldn't look up, the sun was too bright, and started to eat sand. Which made him upset because it didn't taste good. So no great picture. Plus our camera started washing out all the outside shots. We must have hit a button or something.
When we arrived in San Antonio, we unpacked the car and decided to rest and clean up a bit before heading across the street to Mi Tierra's (pictured above) for dinner. We had some issues with our hotel room. I found a beer bottle cap on the floor, and then we noticed Joel's little feet were BLACK from crawling around on the carpet for only about 15 minutes or so. YUCK!!!!!! We didn't let him down again after that. We could only hope that the bedding was cleaner than the floors (something we just tried not to think about). On a lighter note, one of the neatest things on this trip happened when Jav discovered the little guy below, a bat, living up under the second floor roof of the motel. Gabriel is really into bats right now so was really excited to see an actual one on this trip. We never saw it fly away, but once it got dark he was stretching out his wings like he was going to start his nighttime hunting. It was amazing how much bigger he got once his wings were all untucked.
We had a fantastic time at dinner, then walked around the marketplace for awhile. Tia Sandie bought Gabriel a little guitar. We watched some kids riding the mechanical bull. We stopped and listened to a mariachi band, which Gabriel loved. I danced with him for two songs, which we both loved. I really couldn't believe Joel was maintaining any sense of calm though all of this considering he still didn't feel well, but he seemed to love seeing all the colors and hearing all the sounds. We made our way back to our rooms and ate churros for that special sugar rush just before bedtime. Gabriel kept wanting to play his guitar so we had to bribe him with watching TV until he fell asleep. We found a Lenny Kravitz concert that he and Jav watched until he finally conked out.
The next morning some of us had been hoping for a really good breakfast before heading home, but the wait anywhere was 45 minutes plus since we got going so slowly. We walked around the main indoor market place, and Gabriel's Tita bought him a real set of bongo drums (he had a toy one that he had torn up playing with real drumsticks at home). We had one last pass around the outdoor market, then loaded up and headed home.
I don't think Joel will remember this trip, but I'm sure Gabriel will remember much of it. It was very special to take with Jav's parents and sister. I really want to take a trip with my parents sometime in the future because it just makes that grandparent/kid relationship even closer to spend that much time together. (What a shameless hint, Mom!)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Four Years Old!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Too young to drive
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Sense memory-summer
My neighbor Helen (who is in her seventies and just the neatest person) and I got to talking about memories on the way home from the grocery store a few months ago. She thought it was remarkable that a certain smell can conjure up another place and time. I've been thinking about our conversation alot lately, and realize that all of our senses can hold memories. I wanted to get some of these logged. This first post will cover memories about summer, which is quickly coming to a close this year.
The smell of chlorine in swimming pools makes me think of summer evenings at the Y with my Mom and brother, where lots of times we had the giant pool almost to ourselves. Years later when I was going through much turmoil in my first marriage I would walk my dog Stanley past the apartment swimming pool and be calmed by that smell. When Gabriel plays in the sprinkler I am taken back to several different backyards where we would take what my Mom called "shower baths" in the sprinkler.
I think food smell memories are the strongest. One food smell memory takes me to our summer trips to visit relatives near Corpus. My Aunt Sarah was a wonderful cook, but something about her green beans were magical. They were picked fresh from the garden and simmered with onion and bacon, and you could even smell them cooking outside where we played on the tire swing. Mouth-watering! And yet another one takes me to Fredericksburg where we used to stay with my Aunt Lou and Uncle Robert. When we woke up in the morning, the smell of breakfast cooking always lured us to the kitchen. But it was the smell of my Aunt Lou's homemade brown bread toasting that I will always remember. I think those trips turned me into a toast junkie. When I need to be comforted after a bad day I can always count on the smell of bread toasting to calm me.
And finally, this isn't a smell but a feel. Whenever I walk on thick St. Augustine grass, I am transported to my grandparents' backyard where my brother and I would spend countless hours playing croquet, having handstand contests or exploring my grandfather's wood shop. I can feel the cool grass beneath my bare feet, taste the pink lemonade and smell my grandmother's freshly washed linen hanging on the clothesline. Summer, summer, summer.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
After the boy of summer is gone
We had zoo trips, with and without Joel. All of which were fun. We had a FW Museum of Science and History visit. We had the funnest 4th of July weekend, with a parade, a Ranger game, and Toy Story 3. We had his best friend's Lenah's birthday party. We went to a dancing dinosaur show. We had a terrific visit from our NJ friends. We had two weeks of swim lessons. We had Joel's baptism and barbecue. We had family birthdays and tons of grandparent time. We had three play dates in one week. We had our fantastic trip to the beach. And there were things on my "list of things to do" in my head that we never got to, like visit Daddy for lunch one day.
But sometime during the summer, I realized that I was craving some "do nothing" time. So I started making sure we had a little more of it. Time to just sit on the floor and enjoy this boy, who is no longer a toddler. Time to get down the Sesame Street car repair shop down and turn it into a dinosaur playground. Time to gather every emergency vehicle we can find and make our own 4th of July parade. Time to key up the Ting Tings on the Ipod and jump around the room until we collapse in a heap on the floor. Time to sit on the porch swing and watch the orange butterflies that now come back every summer flitting around the yard. Time to just hold him, because he is growing up so very, very fast, and doesn't want to sit still for long anymore.
I've loved every stinking minute of it, and I am sad to see it go.
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