In the past I've kept notes on little things that Gabriel did or said throughout the year to post at year-end. I did this for both kids for a few months, but didn't really keep it up. I think I've done a pretty good job documenting things as they happened. So instead, I will just give a snapshot of what everybody's up to as we close out one year and start another.
The holidays have been one big blur to Jav and I. Just after our fun cousin sleepover, I got sick. Then Jav got sick. We have the same thing - sinus infections and bronchitis. Big surprise! Gabriel also started coughing and had a bad runny nose all through Christmas Eve/Christmas Day. We were supposed to go to my Mom and Dad's Christmas Day, but she's been sick and we decided to postpone it a week. Because of Jav and I we now are postponing it another week. It really sucks, especially for Jav since he was sick the entire time he was off for Thanksgiving, and now the whole time he was off for Christmas. Poor guy! I can't seem to get well, or even better this time, and we think it may be because of the mountain cedar this year being REALLY bad. Now Joel either has a bad cold or bad allergies. Gabriel seemed to get better after Christmas, but is now coughing again. We have really had it with allergies, and are even starting to research where we could move one day to get away from these seasonal allergies that plague all of us now. I'm thinking Canada. But then I'd probably turn out to be allergic to snow!
Gabriel has matured into this little mini-teenager. I really don't recognize him any more. He loves to talk to people on the phone, and loves to keep Jav and I updated on every single thing he is doing or planning to do. He has elaborate conversations between matchbox cars, dinosaurs, Toy Story figures, or anything else he finds. He is VERY strong willed and has TV or playing his new drums taken away from him when he's not minding. Which is often. He and I are very alike and therefore find ourselves clashing. I have to really watch my temper and try to find patience when dealing with this smart, talking back, opinionated, know-it-all little guy.
BUT we had a great Mommy and Gabriel only morning this past week. We started out at the library, where he loves to go. Then I decided to hunt up and down Lancaster for Sword's Music, which was around when I was young. I thought I remembered seeing it a year or two ago, and sure enough, it's still there! One of the few buildings that hasn't been either boarded up or turned into a liquor or pawn shop. (How sad.) They sell all kinds of instruments and offer lessons, which I didn't know about. I had been promising to take Gabriel if it was still there, and he was SO excited to find out it was! We just hung out in there for about 45 minutes looking over and over again at all of the instruments. He wanted to try to play all of them, but I wouldn't let him touch anything, and many of the instruments were behind cases anyway. I found out they will give drum lessons to four-year olds, but when I told Gabriel about them he said he already knew how to play. I guess he's still a little young for lessons. Then we went to Taco Bueno for lunch. It was great, because he looked at me like he used to when he was smaller, like I was his hero instead of that mean person who is constantly riding him about something. By the afternoon all was back to normal and he was not liking me very much again. I know it's because I still spend most of my free time with Joel, and I don't sit and play with him for long periods of time like Daddy does. Sigh. But the thing I am most proud of about Gabriel right now is that he is such a loving, sweet older brother. He dotes on Joel. If he does feel jealousy towards him, he takes it out on me, never on his brother. It is so sweet to see the two of them playing together.
Joel is also maturing into toddlerville at a very rapid rate, although still not walking. He loves to just stand places for a long time, but then is content to drop and crawl to the next place he's after. Which is all the places he's not supposed to go, like the toilet, the big glass doors on our entertainment center, the pet water bowl, Gabriel's tiny cars, Molly's bed (while Molly is in it), etc... etc... You can't leave him alone for a minute. If I have to get ready to go somewhere or load up the car, I put him in his room and lock the storm door (the best and smartest thing we ever installed in this house), because it's virtually baby proof. The only thing that still might happen is a bad fall, which does occasionally. On grocery store days he's in there on and off all day. I HATE grocery store days these days. It takes us 2 hours at the store and then it's such a pain to put everything away when we get home. It usually takes me all day to get it done.
Anyway, Joel is verbalizing like crazy and has no shyness about letting you know when he's mad about something. He is so dang loud! But so dang cute. He loves for me to carry him around the house and look at our family pictures. He has this cute move where he'll swing his head way out to look at my face when it's a picture of he and I. Then he smiles and kicks his excited legs. Another cute thing he's doing now is from Jav's mom. She has "blown on" the lights with both boys. She blows in the direction of the light while turning it on and off. Then she tries to get them to blow by saying it in Spanish ("sopra le", which means "blow it" from the verb soplar -to blow). Gabriel would never actually blow, just be delighted that you could do it. Joel blows, though, especially when he's on the changing table and bored. The light goes on and off about 5 times during one diaper change, if I'm quick. And he still loves to put food in his hair, which makes for cheap entertainment during meal times.
Our pets are all sick of winter and of us being sick. We haven't been able to walk Molly (who will turn 9 in February) in two weeks, and I have lots of guilt about that. I figure the more we get her moving with her arthritis, the longer she's going to live. The cats are pouty about us not ever going outside lately. All the pets are at their happiest when me and the boys go out to play. They just love to hang out in the yard with us. So this is a tough time of year for them. Zoe (who is 9) continues to amaze us with her socialness, for lack of a better word. When Cade and Macy were over she was right in the middle of all of us, and actually let both of them pet her as long as I was there to supervise. Who is this friendly cat? But she's still Zoe, because Gabriel has gotten a scratch and and light bite from her recently. both of which were mostly Gabriel's fault. Bones is still Bones, and will turn 14 this year. If he's in the mood, he's a friendly guy. If not, watch out. He is still in great shape, jumping fences and prowling around, as long as it's not too cold outside. He loves to sleep at the end of Gabriel's bed on his soft Lightning McQueen blanket. He wants to spend his late nights/early mornings in the garage, and gets very bratty if he doesn't get to go. But when we have really cold nights, like last night (24 degree low), I try to wait until as late as possible, and he tears around the house doing his mad "Meow" and a combination hop and run. Then he starts stalking Zoe, something that is happening way too much now. They get into fights about once or twice a week.
That is a picture of our life at this moment. By tomorrow, it will be different!
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