Thursday, February 24, 2011


I hated math growing up. I had myself convinced that it was too hard for me and really wouldn't even try much. I only made two C's in high school, one in geometry and one in chemistry. The minute I found out that chemistry had alot to do with math I assumed I was doomed.

Then fast forward to college. Actually the second try at college, after I had worked in the accounting field for awhile. All of a sudden, math didn't seem so threatening. In fact, I actually started to enjoy the common sense and, well, order of it all. Jav and I were talking about what it would be like to work for one of the big accounting firms, and how neither of us would probably like the corporate culture very much because it would be working for and with a bunch of people who LOVED accounting. And we don't. But I had a long hard think about that, and realized that I do really like it. It makes sense to me where so much of this world does not. I felt at home balancing accounts and making sure all the numbers came out like they were supposed to. If they didn't it could be a puzzle, and, dare I say it, FUN to figure out why.

So now, I am REALLY looking forward to helping the boys with their math. I feel like I have a new opportunity to make sense of it all again and conquer my fear of word problems and balancing equations. And of geometry, which I am ashamed to say is the only time in my life I felt the need to cheat to make it through a class. Bring on the isosceles triangles!!!!! You don't scare me anymore.


Julie said...

I loved math but hated geometry too. Compare that with Jim, who never liked math EXCEPT for geometry. I'm thinking that left brain/right brain is coming into play here. Just give me a bunch of algebra equations and I'll be happy (except I'll have forgotten every single formula - guess in a few years I'll be relearning it along with Gracie).

Susan said...

My love of math probably explains (somehow) why I like to read mysteries and to work on jigsaw puzzles. There is great logic in math that is hard to find in other phases of life. I even thought I would do some calculus problems for fun (!) after I finished the class. When I did pull out my old textbook I could swear it was dropped to earth by aliens. Everything I understood about it was long gone. Now I'm satisfied looking for the missing cents when I balance the checkbook (and working out fabric needed for quilt projects).