Sunday, July 22, 2012

My new addictions

Number 1 - Coffee.  I tried drinking coffee when I was in my 20's but never liked the taste.  I would end up putting in so much cream and sugar that I might as well have called it Sweet Cream with Mocha flavoring.  Well, lately I've become really hooked on Diet Coke, and it seems like I need more and more.  The more I've tried to give it up the more I craved it.  I've also been reading that the medical experts are now finding out that having one or two cups of coffee a day actually has health benefits.  And after all, common sense tells me that something natural like coffee has to be better for you than the bunch of chemicals that is diet soda.

So I thought I would give it a try, and within a few days I was drinking it with only one tsp of sugar and a dollop of milk.  I LOVE the bitter taste.  I can't get enough of it.  I'm having to really watch myself and stay true to my "only two cups a day" limit.  It's so interesting how your tastes can change as you get older.

Number 2 - Downton Abbey.  My mother has been raving about it, and so has my friend Christi, who seems to like so many things that I do.  I've always loved anything Maggie Smith does, so knew I would probably like it.  Mom brought over Season 1 and it sat for a few weeks gathering dust.  But once I popped it in, within two minutes of the opening I was hooked.  The beginning scene is a telegraph office sending word to "the family" that the father and son heirs to the Downton estate and all that implies have been lost at sea with the Titanic sinking.  Pretty good beginning to rope you in.  Even though I don't know anything about the other actors besides Smith, I already have my favorites - and they all have been nominated for Emmys!  As well they should!

I have the second season waiting on my shelf to start, but the new 3rd season doesn't start until January 6th of next year.  So I'm sort of trying to savor it, just like my cup of coffee every morning!

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