Slowly but surely over the past year, I have just about over-volunteered myself. It started with the decision before the school year started last fall to "help out" with the cub scouts. But they are so starved for parents to help out that before I knew it I was taking the online test to become a Den Leader. It was hard to find energy after working and homework and dinner on Monday nights, but I usually ended up having fun with the kids. (I didn't say "boys" because we have many older and younger sisters that come and join in the fun). It's a good thing I was available because we went from having 8-10 boys to having a minimum of 20 each week. Great for the health of our pack, but the scoutmaster could never have handled all those kids on his own each week.
Then I friended a mom acquaintance on Facebook whose daughter is in G's class. The family also attends our parish. She asked me and Gabriel to come help pull the old hymnals and replace with new ones in the pews one Saturday morning. I happened to be there when the Deacon's wife came in to ask her who was going to take over for the person in charge of Art and Environment, who had said she was ready to to step down. This ministry handles all the decorations for liturgical holidays all through the church. I thought that sounded right up my alley, and I had been wanting to volunteer I'm some fashion for quite some time. So I spoke up and am now part of the team. My friend is now in charge, and has done an amazing job. It's been hard work but fun, and it's a great feeling to walk in and know you were a part of creating the beauty and meaning. I've learned so much about my faith and had fun getting to know my fellow parishioners. Now that we are in Ordinary Time ( no liturgical season) we will get a break until we start to plan for Advent next fall.
And in late March I decided to try out the Advisory Council for the boys school. They had openings for many seats, one of which was the Finance Committee Chair. The principal really wanted someone with Accounting and/or Finance experience. So I went to the April meeting and was voted in. I had no idea what to expect. I was thrown right into the fire because we have to reapply for accreditation with the Diocese next fall. Each committee had to come up with a strategy to improve the school in their department. I was able to come up with some things with help from my husband so I wouldn't feel like a total loser with nothing to offer. I may have really bitten off more than I can chew with this position. I have many tasks I will be working on this summer and beyond, even though I still don't really know what I'm doing. I will say that I have newfound respect for the principal, administration and teachers and can't believe how much effort, blood, sweat and tears go into running a school.
I got home from the May meeting and started writing down all I needed to do for all three volunteer efforts. I told my husband I might need to hire a personal assistant to keep it all straight. But I don't want to drop anything yet. I have felt a little depressed at times with my job, and the my lack of adding to the greater good. When I realized I didn't have it in me to teach, my spirit dropped to the lowest level it had in awhile. All of these things have changed that. Now I am making a difference in my kids' lives (and possibly many others) by helping out their pack, their school and our church. It is a fantastic feeling. And as long as my job remains part-time I think I can keep it all going.
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