Thursday, July 04, 2019

ESTES PARK 2019 Day One - Departure

We knew getting ready for this trip would have its challenges.  Gabriel was away at boy scout camp in Oklahoma all week and didn't return until the day before we left at 3pm.  We said our goodbyes to Marlin that day at 11 because the vet's not open on Sundays so Gabriel didn't get to see him and he was BUMMED.  But he got to hang out with Tucker all evening because the pet sitters were picking him up just after we left.  He also had a nice loooooooooonnnnnnnng shower and a great night's sleep in his bed on freshly washed sheets.  My kids aren't spoiled or anything I promise.  I REALLY missed him and was so glad to have him back home.  Even though I had to empty his trunk of all dirty clothes and throw them in the washer, dry and pack them up over the course of 3 hours.  😳

Marlin was NOT happy about us packing for a trip
and not including him.
Been reading through this for weeks trying to pick out a hike

My letter to Gabriel mentioning our upcoming vacation.
I am also a little psychotic about leaving my yard, because in my head all the birds and animals that we feed and water are our responsibility like pets.  And our plants.  It had not rained all week for the first time in months.  So I hand watered the pots and flower beds the day before we left.  And ran the sprinkler system.  While I finished packing the non-cold food.  And finished packing for me.  My feet were swollen by the time I went to bed because I had been on them all day and then some.  Went to bed around 11:30 and had to get up at 5:30.  To the sound of pouring rain and thunderstorms.  Oh well.  Also, to me this day was "leave for vacation day" but I forgot it was also Father's Day.

We had planned to set out at 7 to meet my parents for breakfast, and we thought we would never make it.  We were so tired we were moving slowly and then I was trudging around in the wet muckety muck filling up birdbaths and hanging bird feeders.  I was supposed to wake up the boys by 6 but I knew they would be excited and driving me crazy so I waited until 6:30.  We normally don't take any food or drinks but the stuff for the car.  Which means when we get to Estes Park the 2nd day we have to go to the one grocery store in town to stock up.  In years past we have been so tired, and the store is crowded and too expensive.  It is a beating.  So this year we brought food which leant a whole nuther level of stress to takeoff time.  Jav went to get ice as the boys followed me around trying to tell me stuff (especially Gabriel with camp stories) and I kept getting last minute stuff done.  We said goodbye to Tucker and I still can't believe we made it by 7:15!  We had a great breakfast and set off by 8:30 for Raton, NM where we stay the night.

My brother and niece and nephew had left from Weatherford so travel a different route to Wichita Falls.  This will be our 3rd family trip to Estes Park.  It has been a bit of a rough year (a total understatement) for Philip and the kids, having gone through his 2nd divorce that took a big toll on them all, (but it was for the better), and to say nothing of the stresses of being teenagers and all that entails.  We weren't sure Cade was even coming until the couple of weeks before the trip, and I'm so glad he decided to come.  My theory is that the best medicine for some of the emotional turmoil they've been through is to be in a beautiful setting, surrounded by calm family who love you no matter what.

Every time we go we find a new and prettier back road!

This trip has become familiar, but it is always so exciting to be heading back to the mountains, where I for one feel at home.  It seems to take less time each trip.  The "Two Bumps", as we have been calling the two tiny hills that signal the beginning of mountainous terrain since we were kids, still make my heart race with happiness and anticipation.  And now they make my kids' hearts race, which is just so cool.  We made good time and all stayed relatively close together.  Pulled into Raton around 4.


We had beautiful, cloud-filled skies
on the entire trip.  More to come!
Mount Capulin, inactive New Mexico

Our first Spelling Bee of the trip!  G
had made a list for me too this time.  Joel won
this one.

We met up with everyone at the indoor pool, and the boys got to swim!  Macy swam for a bit but they were all tired and went to their rooms to rest up for the drive the next day.  Jav brought back Sonic to the room, and we watched Toy Story 2 then turned in for the night.  

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