He has just learned to differentiate between circles, squares and triangles. He has a set of blocks with the lid cutout with all three shapes, and I've always helped him put them away before. All of a sudden, he can do it without any help.
After helping him do the hand parts to Itsy Bitsy Spider for about 5 or 6 months, he did it on his own for the first time after dinner last Friday night. He likes to do it just like I taught him, three times with each time faster and faster. We did manage to get this on video.
He has started saying hi and waving to people all over the place. Then when we walk away, he waves and says bye-bye. In a really cute high pitched voice, like a teletubbie says bye-bye.
After a couple of weeks of chanting "mama" all the time, all over the house, he has finally decided to start recognizing his "dada" too. Just in time for Father's Day! But it's funny how different he says the two words. Mama is always said really fast, and usually loud. Dada comes out much more slowly and deliberately, and quieter. It might just be because it's a little harder for him to say. But the funny thing is that it actually mirrors me and Jav's personalities. I'm frenetic and loud, Jav is calmer and quieter. Kind of funny.
Last Saturday afternoon, we were getting ready for Mass. Jav was talking to me as I was finishing my makeup, and we weren't paying that much attention to Gabriel. All of a sudden we realized he was going back a forth between us, hugging our legs and giving us big sloppy kisses on our knees, over and over again. It was just the sweetest moment, one of those where you thank God that your child turned out to be so warm and loving.
So that's my little Gabriel diary. Thanks to all three people who read this for indulging me. (Even though I know Mamaw won't be too bored by it).
Oh, Aunt Julie isn't bored by it either!
You're right. I was definitely NOT bored.
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