Friday, February 25, 2011

Oscar contender?

We watched The Social Network over the last three nights. I didn't like it from the get-go. I didn't like how fast everybody talked and couldn't follow the techie language. Plus the main character is so unlikeable that it seemed impossible to root for him on any level. I guess the story was interesting, and the only character I did root for was the former best friend/partner that ended up suing him. That was the only reason I was still paying even slight attention by the end of the movie. I just don't see how so many people think that it was the best movie of last year. No way.

The ironic thing is that instead of paying total attention I decided to multitask and check Facebook.

1 comment:

Christi (Hutchins) Dick said...

I saw it and liked it very much, although it’s definitely a dark movie. It was written by Aaron Sorkin who wrote “The West Wing” so you have to really pay attention to keep up with the dialog.

Sorkin has been interviewed by many people who sorta scolded him for the liberties he took in portraying Mark Zuckerberg. The real MZ is not much like the character in the movie and many of the incidents in the movie are not accurate. For example, Zuckerberg’s been with the same girlfriend since his early days in college and is not the social misfit portrayed in the movie.

I also read an article on about the Harvard atmosphere and students in those days - another aspect that was changed in the movie.

Still, I think it’s a fascinating movie and great entertainment.