And yes, we really did play that much. What else were we going to do for five days? We played with dinosaurs, and took them to the zoo on a big train where they got to spend the night. We played our alternative to the tickle game, "Which spider is it?" "It's the ear tickle spider!" "OH NO!!!!!!!"
We built a fire station out of leggos. We raced to several dozen emergencies in the fire trucks and ambulances. Gabriel fell in love with playing ball down the hall. So did Joel. We also played Mother, May I?, a game my Dad used to play with my brother and me, but I guess we should've called it Father, May I? The leader tells the competitors how many steps to take towards the finish line, and whether the steps will be baby or giant, or backwards, or bunny hops, etc.... The competitor must ask, "Mother, May I?" before performing the command. If not, they have to go all the way back down the hall. I told Gabriel it wouldn't be as fun to play by himself, but he insisted. The sad part is, he kept losing. Four-year-olds!
We went outside a few times, but it was just so darn cold. Molly would love it when we braved the cold, and ran around like a puppy in the snow. She looks so little in this picture!
My boys. Joel doesn't look very happy. I think he's really, really cold in this picture. Jav had to go to work the first day. Then the second day they told the employees not to come in. Then no word either way on the third day, so he braved it. It took him two hours to get to work and 2-1/2 hours to get home. The fourth day they said to use your best judgement, so he stayed home. What a wackadoo week.
Oh, how this picture makes me laugh. It looks like we got over two feet of snow, when in reality Jav slid into St. Francis and broke him in half. I told him to not feel too bad because St. Francis's water basin had cracked and wasn't holding water any more. We bought a new one last weekend and are determined to bring him in every time it gets below freezing. He has a little light near his feet that is solar powered. An upgrade, if you will.
I am now a big believer in wearing a hat and gloves any time the temperature drops below 40 degrees. I also got really good at layering, which I believe keeps you much warmer.
Gabriel's first ever snow angel.
We also played with the costume box. I taught Gabriel how to do the chicken dance, and he LOVED it once he got the hang of it. Joel got to practice walking in the house. And practice and practice and practice! He was practically running by Saturday. We also made popcorn on the stovetop. And ate ourselves silly, like cave people who had to brave the cold. When in reality we barely stepped outside. There were long Facebook sessions for Mommy when insanity started to creep in.
The snow day last Wednesday was still welcomed in our house, even though we had all been on the verge of some pretty scary cabin fever by the end of that 4-day spell. The boys and I made our first tent in the hall. My brother and I used to build tents and camp out in them all day. I'd have a stack of books and a radio when I got older. But I never had the greatness of glowsticks. Gabriel seemed to finally understand how fun it could be after looking at me like I was crazy for a half hour or so.
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