We decided Joel needed his own Buddies, but of course he like the original ones better. Gabriel only plays with these, so we let him name them also. Allow me to introduce Bluey Blue, Orangey, Reddy Freddy and Greenie-Back to you.
This gentleman we just call Turtle. He has been a huge part of both of the boys' crib time. He plays 5 or 6 songs, with a very quiet and pretty sound, and also has a button for wave noises. The two little fish move and another button turns on a soothing bluish-green light. Joel uses him much more than Gabriel did, though, and has relied on him for a much longer period of time. Gabriel didn't seem to need him much after four or five months. Joel's loved him for about nine months, and is still going strong. He used to help him get to sleep, but doesn't need him for that anymore. We hear him in the middle of the night often, and especially in the morning once Joel is ready to get up.
I will be a very sad Mommy when it's time to take Turtle down for good.
I haven't done any comparison pictures lately, but this was too good to pass up. Look how different they are! Not just in looks, either, but in personality. Gabriel - careful and fearful/Joel - no cares or fear. Gabriel - quiet (at least, WAS quiet at that age)/Joel-world's loudest baby. Gabriel - loves books/Joel - throws them across the room. They both have two loves, however - music and trucks.
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