Monday, February 28, 2011

Oscars continued

Yay!!! The movie I was rooting for won Best Picture! And two of my favorite actors for years (him since 1995 , her since 1996) won Best Actor and Actress. Now Black Swan is a priority to see, followed by 127 Hours and The Fighter. Of course, we are still trying to catch up from last year's winners. We are pathetic.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bird watching geekiness 101

See the cardinal?

It's hard to imagine that we had such extreme cold just a few weeks ago. We've been having 70 degree weather for a week now, so the memories of that cold weather have already started to fade. But I do remember that the toughest challenge for me was making sure our birds had food and fresh water to get through the extremely cold temperatures. I for one cannot imagine having to stay out in that cold longer than 30 minutes, let alone spend all day and night out there.

So by the second day of teen-high weather, I was going out three times a day to switch out frozen water bowls with fresh ones.. And every morning before the first feeding (around 7am) and the last feeding (between 5 and 6), I would not only make sure our bird feeders were full to the brim, but I started leaving seed under and around the feeders, under the holly bushes in the front, along the side of the house and in the back corner of the backyard, all the places near the water. At first I was surprised by how few birds seemed to be coming out to eat. But the third day, I glanced outside and saw about 25 birds of various sizes and colors eating. That's just about the most I've ever seen in our yard, and by the end of the day there were even more. That's when I started to feel like all of my hard work was paying off.

Our "regulars" consist of wrens, chicadees, small woodpeckers, cardinals, and a ton of dove. We also have, on occasion, blue jays, crows and a grackle now and then. All of these were in attendance during that cold snap, along with some stranger birds that I'd never seen before. There was a solid black bird that was the size of a jay, but puffier than a jay or a crow. There was a little bird with a yellow chest and an olive green back the likes of which I've NEVER seen in our yard before and now seems to have disappeared. But the bird that has me staring out the kitchen window to hopefully catch a glimpse of is our woodpecker that has now come back the last two winters. I've written about it before, how elusive he or she is. It doesn't like to hop down the tree to eat from the feeder unless there are no other birds or squirrels around.

I looked up woodpeckers in Gabriel's bird book and determined that it is of the red-bellied variety. Those are 2-3 inches bigger than most woodpeckers. It's at least 9" tall, with beautiful black and white patterned feathers on the back of its head and wings, and red on top of its head. It's a stunning bird, and the picture above doesn't do it justice at all. The Saturday after our week of cold, I looked up during lunch and saw two of them. But the second one must have been one on it's way to somewhere else because I never saw it again. And I haven't seen our regular now since it's become warmer. I just hope it returns again next year.

The reason I went through such efforts is not just because I feel responsibility for any living thing in our yard, but also because bird watching has become one of my favorite things to do. We have another stand-up squirrel-proof bird feeder to put up in the backyard if we could just find the time. I'd like to find just the right spot so I can see it from our bedroom window. During that cold week there were moments when I was about to go crazy being cooped up with two stir crazy kids. I would find myself at the kitchen window, just watching. It must lower my blood pressure just like petting my dog's head. I may even start keeping a little log of the birds we see and hear in our yard. Next thing you know I'll be buying a pair of field glasses and a kazoo for bird calling.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Oscar contender?

We watched The Social Network over the last three nights. I didn't like it from the get-go. I didn't like how fast everybody talked and couldn't follow the techie language. Plus the main character is so unlikeable that it seemed impossible to root for him on any level. I guess the story was interesting, and the only character I did root for was the former best friend/partner that ended up suing him. That was the only reason I was still paying even slight attention by the end of the movie. I just don't see how so many people think that it was the best movie of last year. No way.

The ironic thing is that instead of paying total attention I decided to multitask and check Facebook.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I hated math growing up. I had myself convinced that it was too hard for me and really wouldn't even try much. I only made two C's in high school, one in geometry and one in chemistry. The minute I found out that chemistry had alot to do with math I assumed I was doomed.

Then fast forward to college. Actually the second try at college, after I had worked in the accounting field for awhile. All of a sudden, math didn't seem so threatening. In fact, I actually started to enjoy the common sense and, well, order of it all. Jav and I were talking about what it would be like to work for one of the big accounting firms, and how neither of us would probably like the corporate culture very much because it would be working for and with a bunch of people who LOVED accounting. And we don't. But I had a long hard think about that, and realized that I do really like it. It makes sense to me where so much of this world does not. I felt at home balancing accounts and making sure all the numbers came out like they were supposed to. If they didn't it could be a puzzle, and, dare I say it, FUN to figure out why.

So now, I am REALLY looking forward to helping the boys with their math. I feel like I have a new opportunity to make sense of it all again and conquer my fear of word problems and balancing equations. And of geometry, which I am ashamed to say is the only time in my life I felt the need to cheat to make it through a class. Bring on the isosceles triangles!!!!! You don't scare me anymore.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Perfect weekend, and then some

The groceries for the week were all bought on Friday morning. The house was totally clean by 9:am Saturday morning. These are the first clues that this was not going to be an ordinary weekend.

First up on Saturday was a neighborhood Moms group playdate. We thought seven kids were going to be here, which would have been the biggest turnout ever. But the same two Moms (with one Dad) and their kids showed up, which was fine because we've gotten to know each other and it's comfortable to be around them now. It was nice enough to go outside, thankfully, and I think everybody had a good time. This was the 8th or so get together with this group, and I'm so glad it exists. It may not last long, though, as the other kids become old enough for public school. Their parents may decide they don't want to fork over the big bucks for private school and start looking for a better and safer school district. Can't say that I blame them.

After everyone left I had two hours to get the kids lunch, get Joel to sleep, and get myself ready. Because Ladies and Gentlemen, I was having myself a Saturday night. Ok, I guess it was really a Saturday afternoon and early evening. But still, the first date that Jav and I have had since Joel was born was going to finally take place, and I didn't really care what time it was. We love doing early date nights because we get home in time to put the boys to bed and still have some wind down time. My sister-in-law and her boyfriend had offered to watch the boys for us so we could go out for Valentine's Day. And now that I am weaning Joel, I finally felt comfortable enough to leave him for both a movie and dinner.

We went to The Movie Tavern, our first experience there. We ordered two beers and a basket of fried pickles and sat back to enjoy the show. And enjoy is an understatement, because we saw The King's Speech. Even with all the Oscar hoopla and multiple articles read about the movie, my expectations were blown away. It was so good that 45 minutes or so into it I was wishing I could watch it again. Jav and I both can't get enough of movies based on true stories, and we really didn't know much about this one. It was amazing to us how suspenseful it got leading up to the big speech (of the title), when it's already one of the most famous speeches in history. We spent any free moments the rest of the weekend looking up the true story to compare to the movie and answer a few questions we had. Any time I find myself thinking about a movie weeks afterwards, I know it was a good one. I anticipate thinking about this one for a long time.

Then dinner at So7 Bistro, located in the very trendy uptown Ft. Worth off 7th street (also where the movie tavern was). We had a Groupon for $40 worth of food for $20, plus I got $5 off because it was my first time to use Groupon. (I want to do a whole post about Groupon someday). Not a bad deal, and the food was really good. They bill themselves as French mixed with new American, but we thought it was odd that the awnings surrounding the bistro said, "pizza and burgers, bar and grill". It seemed like they were still trying to find themselves. But it was good, and we sat outside (something we never thought we'd be able to do in February). It reminded both of us of eating in sidewalk cafes in Europe. Without the 500 year old church across the street.

When we got home Gabriel wouldn't talk to us at first, and last night at bedtime I figured out that it was because his feelings were hurt that we didn't take him with us to see a movie. Tonight, after I told him a story and sang to him, he apologized for not talking to us when we came home on Saturday, and said he would try to do better next time. Apparently it was still on his mind!

Saturday night going into Sunday I got a full 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep, something that I never, ever get. After a big breakfast we took the boys to the park. It wasn't too crowded and the weather turned out to be cool and cloudy. Perfect park weather! After romping around for an hour or so, we got out Gabriel's tricycle so he could practice in the empty part of the parking lot. He has improved like crazy since the last time we brought him with the trike. When we got back home he was so tired he didn't even make lunch. He conked out on his bed. After lunch we all took naps. And after dinner I got to take Molly for a walk all by myself, another thing I love to do on Sundays.

Monday morning Joel, Gabriel and I walked Molly just as a front blew in. When we left it was muggy and warm. When we got home it was chilly with a blustery north wind. Gotta love Texas weather! Gabriel is doing really well on our walks, which are averaging 1.5 to 2 miles, with two really big hills to walk up. That's alot of steps for his little legs! Then we played in the backyard until lunchtime. It's so nice to be able to play outside again!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What we did on our ice/snow days

Gabriel would say, "We played and played and played."

And yes, we really did play that much. What else were we going to do for five days? We played with dinosaurs, and took them to the zoo on a big train where they got to spend the night. We played our alternative to the tickle game, "Which spider is it?" "It's the ear tickle spider!" "OH NO!!!!!!!"

We built a fire station out of leggos. We raced to several dozen emergencies in the fire trucks and ambulances. Gabriel fell in love with playing ball down the hall. So did Joel. We also played Mother, May I?, a game my Dad used to play with my brother and me, but I guess we should've called it Father, May I? The leader tells the competitors how many steps to take towards the finish line, and whether the steps will be baby or giant, or backwards, or bunny hops, etc.... The competitor must ask, "Mother, May I?" before performing the command. If not, they have to go all the way back down the hall. I told Gabriel it wouldn't be as fun to play by himself, but he insisted. The sad part is, he kept losing. Four-year-olds!

We went outside a few times, but it was just so darn cold. Molly would love it when we braved the cold, and ran around like a puppy in the snow. She looks so little in this picture!

My boys. Joel doesn't look very happy. I think he's really, really cold in this picture. Jav had to go to work the first day. Then the second day they told the employees not to come in. Then no word either way on the third day, so he braved it. It took him two hours to get to work and 2-1/2 hours to get home. The fourth day they said to use your best judgement, so he stayed home. What a wackadoo week.

Oh, how this picture makes me laugh. It looks like we got over two feet of snow, when in reality Jav slid into St. Francis and broke him in half. I told him to not feel too bad because St. Francis's water basin had cracked and wasn't holding water any more. We bought a new one last weekend and are determined to bring him in every time it gets below freezing. He has a little light near his feet that is solar powered. An upgrade, if you will.

I am now a big believer in wearing a hat and gloves any time the temperature drops below 40 degrees. I also got really good at layering, which I believe keeps you much warmer.

Gabriel's first ever snow angel.

We also played with the costume box. I taught Gabriel how to do the chicken dance, and he LOVED it once he got the hang of it. Joel got to practice walking in the house. And practice and practice and practice! He was practically running by Saturday. We also made popcorn on the stovetop. And ate ourselves silly, like cave people who had to brave the cold. When in reality we barely stepped outside. There were long Facebook sessions for Mommy when insanity started to creep in.

The snow day last Wednesday was still welcomed in our house, even though we had all been on the verge of some pretty scary cabin fever by the end of that 4-day spell. The boys and I made our first tent in the hall. My brother and I used to build tents and camp out in them all day. I'd have a stack of books and a radio when I got older. But I never had the greatness of glowsticks. Gabriel seemed to finally understand how fun it could be after looking at me like I was crazy for a half hour or so.

I keep telling Gabriel that we don't normally get snow and ice in Texas very often in the winter. But ever since he's been able to remember winter, we've gotten a bunch of snow. I have no credibility whatsoever with him now.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Little things

These are Gabriel's bathroom buddies. The first pretending he ever did was with them in the tub. Their names are Peaky (we thought he said Pinky, but were quickly corrected), Purple Wyme (once again, we thought he said Purple Wine, but couldn't figure out how he knew anything about that), Sally, Bluto and Greenie. Most nights recently they have a Buddy band with various rotating instruments. Joel took a shine to Peaky from the get-go and wouldn't let go of him during the whole bath at first.

We decided Joel needed his own Buddies, but of course he like the original ones better. Gabriel only plays with these, so we let him name them also. Allow me to introduce Bluey Blue, Orangey, Reddy Freddy and Greenie-Back to you.

This gentleman we just call Turtle. He has been a huge part of both of the boys' crib time. He plays 5 or 6 songs, with a very quiet and pretty sound, and also has a button for wave noises. The two little fish move and another button turns on a soothing bluish-green light. Joel uses him much more than Gabriel did, though, and has relied on him for a much longer period of time. Gabriel didn't seem to need him much after four or five months. Joel's loved him for about nine months, and is still going strong. He used to help him get to sleep, but doesn't need him for that anymore. We hear him in the middle of the night often, and especially in the morning once Joel is ready to get up.

I will be a very sad Mommy when it's time to take Turtle down for good.

I haven't done any comparison pictures lately, but this was too good to pass up. Look how different they are! Not just in looks, either, but in personality. Gabriel - careful and fearful/Joel - no cares or fear. Gabriel - quiet (at least, WAS quiet at that age)/Joel-world's loudest baby. Gabriel - loves books/Joel - throws them across the room. They both have two loves, however - music and trucks.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Crazy Texas weather

Four days ago the high was 75 degrees and it was absolutely gorgeous outside. Hammockville, here we come!

Shoes? We don't need no stinkin' shoes! It always floors me to see Joel's perfect posture.

Fast forward to today. Humongous cold front blew in last night with temperatures lower than they have been in 10 years. The sleet was hitting the windows like a hard rain, and it thundered for about two hours. Notice Joel now has his dapper Cary Grant turtleneck on while he watched TV this morning.

Gabriel begged me to go outside, so it took us 10 minutes to get him dressed with all of his layers, double socks and mittens, which took the longest to put on. He wasn't too happy when, after all of that, I wanted to take his picture.

The view from the back door this morning.

Finally a smile. He had been running for five minutes and his cheeks are rosy from the wind. And I forgot to post this part yesterday: All day long Gabriel tried to convince me that because it had snowed, it must be Christmas Eve. Love the way his brain works!