Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My new favorite show

I absolutely love The Office (the Americanized version) on NBC Tuesdays at 8:30. Now, I never saw the BBC version, which was supposedly even funnier. Maybe that's a good thing, because I have nothing to compare it to and be disappointed. All I can say is that it cracks me up like nothing that's been on TV since Seinfeld. My new heroine is Jenna Fischer, who plays Pam the receptionist. I can SO associate with this character, having had many jobs that I tolerated because I didn't really want to go through the trouble of looking for another one. She has mastered the look of "pained resignation" to perfection. She looks like at any moment she might shout out, "I don't need this #@$#$%%ing job, and I'm sick of you @#$$#*& people!" I love watching her face through the episodes. I'm afraid that I may have that look on my face from time to time, even at my current job. If you've never sat in a cubicle, or had to sit through inane meetings, or listened to the one annoying coworker that remembers everybody's birthday and keeps track of office supplies, then you won't get this show. But if you live that life, if you loved the movie Office Space, and replay the sledgehammer bashing computer scene in your head over and over again while supposedly working, then this show is for you too.

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