Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Making a house a home

Our house is really starting to come together. We've spent the last two weekends working inside and outside. Inside, we've been hanging up pictures and setting out family photographs, fluffing and arranging comfy pillows, arranging candles on the mantle, and putting quilts and handsewn pillowcases on our bed. Outside, we've been planting flowers in the front beds, getting the beds ready in the back for planting, and rearranging our back porch. Jav even got the porch swing hung up, so there was a good place to rest after all that work. The most exciting thing is on its way - we ordered a dining room table that seats 10 when fully extended. This piece of furniture will be the focal point, or the "heart" of our home. It took us a few months to get going, but I'm already amazed at how much these little details have transformed everything. After hanging the little pictures my grandfather made with needlepoint for their kitchen years ago on our kitchen wall, and realizing how perfectly they fit, I truly believe that we were meant to be in this house.

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