Thursday, July 24, 2008

A tough couple of weeks

The past week and a half has been possibly the hardest I've ever had to get through in a long time.  

My parents went on vacation, knowing that the remodel of their kitchen, den and bathroom was still going on.  They left my number with the general contractor, but didn't anticipate there would be any problems since they were supposed to be finished before they left on their trip.  Think again.  We had many trips where I had to grab Gabriel and head over there to deal with either the alarm going off, someone making a delivery and no one to meet them or some other crisis.  But, I would've done this and much more to ensure that my parents had a relaxing Colorado vacation.  They've taken care of our house PLENTY of times when we were out of town.  And because they're always doing nice things for us.  But I was very happy to see them back safe and sound.

Saturday we did our annual round trip drive to Lufkin and back to visit my sister-in-law's Godmother.  She is a cloistered nun and had her Silver Jubilee celebration a few weeks ago, but it was in the middle of the week and we could not go.  So we promised to visit her for the day.  This is always a nice day.  The monastery is peaceful and beautiful, surrounded by giant pine trees, and many of Sister Maria Rosario's fellow nuns always come to chat with us.  Gabriel gets used to their clothes after awhile and warms up and charms all of them.  But it's also a tough trip to do in a day, and we end up exhausted afterwards.  

One sad thing we're dealing with is that our priest is leaving St. Rita's.  He received a post going to St. Patrick's in downtown Fort Worth (a definite step up), so I'm happy for him, but we are so sad to see him go.  He did great homilies that Jav and I could always relate to because Father Richard is close to our ages.  And he did the most wonderful Baptism Mass for Gabriel that still brings tears to my eyes when I think about it.  We had a big dinner for him Sunday night and EVERYBODY showed up, which I was very happy to see.  It was an emotional evening.

That day I also found out my good, good friend is most probably moving away.  I'm happy for them, but really sad all at the same time.  

Yesterday I found out Cobra, my former reading student turned friend, went to the emergency room for the 4th time in 6 months with congestive heart failure and irregular heartbeat.  It took them 2-1/2 hours to stabilize her because anything they did to help one problem kept making the other problem worse.  She is in stable condition now (Gabriel and I visited briefly this morning), but needs a valve of some type put into her heart to stop the irregular beating.  I'm praying she still has some fight left, even though two of the four chambers in her heart are damaged.  

And my sister-in-law's new boxer, Ruby, who I haven't met yet but is apparently one of the sweetest dogs you'll ever meet, appears to have a severe liver problem and heart worms, and probably won't make it very much longer.  Sandra's only had her for a month and a half, but of course has gotten very attached to her. There's still a small hope that the heart worm problem is causing the liver problem, and heart worms can be cured.  

And finally, Hurricane Dolly struck South Padre yesterday with 100 mph winds.  We don't know if our condo is damaged, underwater, or blown away by the hurricane.  All the power is still down on the island and Jav can't get in touch with anyone.  All we can do is wait until some order is restored, and he may have to make a quick flight down there just to assess what's going on.  

It's just been too much emotional news lately.  I'm ready for some fun and laughter, and fun and laughter I shall have this weekend on our second annual Girls' Trip with my dear high school friends.  It couldn't have come at a better time!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Oh I so totally agree with you about how the timing of the trip couldn't be any better. See you tomorrow!