Thursday, December 11, 2008

Which type of person are you?

Fruit or Vegetable?

This is not meant to be a derogatory question in any way - I mean it literally.  I have a hard time eating fruit.  I have to make myself eat my 3 or so healthy servings a day.  My orange juice always tastes good in the morning, but I go down hill from there.  Summer is a little better, because I do love berries and melon, so I have a much larger selection to choose from.  Winter is rough.  The only way I'll eat apples or pears is if I can have cheese or peanut butter with them.  Otherwise they make me queasy.  Grapes also make me queasy.   I've never been fond of oranges, but I do like the much smaller and easier-to-peel tangerine.  In fact, I sometimes find myself craving tangerines in the wintertime, probably something to do with a vitamin C deficiency. 

I am definitely a vegetable person.  I LOVE them.  Raw celery, cucumber and celery chopped up in salads; roasted asparagus, sauteed Brussels sprouts, okra gumbo, different squashes, etc..  My mouth is watering thinking about it!  I grew up eating the standards:  green beans, peas and corn, and a few stranger ones like yellow squash and okra.  Somewhere around my late 20's I discovered there was a whole world of vegetables waiting for me to discover.  I'm currently trying to learn to love greens like Swiss chard and kale, but I've got a ways to go.  

My husband, on the other hand, is like an exact opposite of me.  He easily eats 4 or 5 pieces of fruit a day, and has since he was a kid.  He is SO a fruit person.  But vegetables don't come easy to him.  The great thing is he will try anything I put in front of him, and normally is surprised to find how much he likes it.  

I guess we were meant to be together.


Christi (Hutchins) Dick said...

I do great with oj for breakfast and occasionally with some vodka in it (not at breakfast -- yet), and I love guacamole, of course!

Anonymous said...

Yes-I forgot to bring up avocados. I used to hate them, but now I love them. They still don't really seem like a fruit to me, though.