Friday, January 16, 2009

Kid's music - not so bad after all

It took me a long time to decide to get some kid's music for Gabriel in the car.  I thought I'd get by just letting him listen to my music.  But the response from him once It's classic kid's songs rearranged and played by a guy named Jon Herchert and his band.  It took about 3 times through before Gabriel started to clap everytime the first song started.  Now he can sing along with most of the songs it, and it got us through some serious road trip boredom.  

Then I got a Sesame Street Classics CD, with favorites like Rubber Ducky and It's Not Easy Being Green. This one's cool because I listened to some of these songs when I loved Sesame Street as a kid.  But his favorite on this one is Elmo's Song.  He sings along with Elmo and Big Bird as they do their verses, then drops his voice down really low to sing with Snuffy.  It cracks me up every time.  

Then I got my personal favorite (I think from a recommendation from another parent, although I don't remember who), They Might Be Giants, Here Come the 1,2,3's (which according to the website has been nominated for a Grammy - yay!)  I absolutely love almost every song on this CD.  Some of them not even as kid's music, just as great songs.  I liked them ok in the 90's, but now am really curious to hear more from them.  There's also an A,B,C disc that I'm sure we'll get eventually.   I think this one's really for older kids than Gabriel, but he seems to be getting the concept of all the numbers, and REALLY gets into the music.  I've got him playing the drums on his bigger books right along with the songs, and he really knows when to come in and play faster or slower.  I know it helps that I really like the songs and get into them, even though now that he is two he gets angry with me for singing sometimes.  

For Christmas Gabriel got a Laurie Berkner Band CD.  He would see her on Noggin and seemed to really like the songs every time.  And they are also really good, memorable and melodic songs.  He's slowly warming up to this one, but I'm sure he'll grow to love it as much as the others after a few weeks of hearing it.  I find myself humming the few songs we've already checked out all throughout the day. 

So I guess I was completely wrong about my theory.  Kid music rocks! 

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