Thursday, April 30, 2009

The what flu?

This is getting out of hand.  Just about a week ago, we start reading about Swine Flu basically shutting down Mexico City, and within a week Texans (especially Fort Worthians, apparently), are going into full-blown panic.  I knew the school district had shut down the four schools where specific cases were found.  But I was really blown away last night when my Mom called to tell me that classes are canceled for students until May 8th!  All UIL sporting events have also been canceled.  And city officials are urging those with toddlers in day care or Mother's Day Out to also keep the kiddos at home.  

We sent Gabriel yesterday after a short 2 minute talk about how safe we feel he is there.  But last night I had to reluctantly agree with Jav that it just doesn't hurt to play it safe and keep him at home.  Other than the fact that every time he misses he has trouble saying goodbye to me the next time.  There's only three more weeks of class left, but I sure would hate to keep him out all next week too.  But we are part of the lucky parents who are able to take care of our child at home.  What about all of those working parents, especially single parents?  What are they going to do with their kids for a week and a half?  Take them to work?  Hope that their boss is understanding about having to miss that much work?  That just isn't realistic in the real world.  I really feel for those parents.

For the most part I am thinking that city and school officials are playing it safe, but a little part of me wonders if there isn't something to start really panicking about.  We have decided to avoid certain public places, like the mall.  But next week when I go grocery shopping, should I wear a mask?  I had already stocked up on little antibacterial lotions, and we are using those like crazy along with all the hand washing (for 20 seconds, according to NPR, which is a REALLY long time).  But should we avoid restaurants and take-out food?  We're supposed to go eat at Nonna Tata's, my very favorite restaurant in the whole world, next week for our anniversary.  So we're playing it by ear.  I feel like we're back to settler times, when you kept to your own family and had to be suspicious of anyone else who happened to ride up to your homestead.  

This is something I never imagined having to deal with in my lifetime.  It's truly bizarre.  

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