Sunday, June 07, 2009

Movie cravings

Do you ever have a craving to watch a certain movie?  I've had one for about a month now to watch Rear Window.  It's like I need a fix or something.  Every day I've been checking Turner Movie Classics in the hopes that they were doing an Alfred Hitchcock night, but to no avail.  Today I finally decided to do a search on it, and lo and behold they are doing an entire Alfred Hitchcock day on June 27th!!!!  They are also showing Notorious, North by Northwest and The Man Who Knew Too Much.  I think I may ship Gabriel off to a grandparent or two and have myself a marathon!!!  (Jav can join me, I know he really likes them too.  As long as he provides me with food all day long).

Why hasn't anyone invented a service where you can go to some channel on your TV, find the movie you are craving to watch, and pull it up right then and there?  (For a small fee, of course).  You'd think someone would have come up with a way to do that by now.

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