Monday, March 08, 2010

Fun with math

I bought a "Baby's First Numbers" book for Joel at Half Price Books, mostly because of the brightly colored pictures. Gabriel wanted to read it (of course), and we discovered that the 2nd half of the book is beginning addition and subtraction. He loves it and wants to read it over and over again. Then today while he was putting up all of his matchbox cars he said, "Look, Mama. Five cars left." then he put one in the car box and said, "Now four cars left". I think he is really getting it! Good Lord I hope he is better at math than his Mama!

He is also saying the funniest things lately. If you ask him how he is these days, he doesn't say ok or good, he says, "I'm feelin' good".

Tonight when Jav was finishing up his bath he suddenly (and very enthusiastically) said, "What a day it's been". Which cracked us up.

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