Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Why today was great

I got this picture of Joel after taking about 25 shots that I didn't like.

Joel was crying in his crib while I was trying to get us ready to go out the door, and suddenly stopped. I walked into the room and found Gabriel, who had pulled up a stool to the crib. He was holding Joel's hand and telling him all about our day, and Joel was staring up at him with this big, happy face. I wanted to get the video camera, but I knew that would have ruined the moment. I hope that memory stays burned in my brain for a long, long time.

And finally, my neighbor, Simon, has been battling bone marrow cancer for about 9 months. He has only left the house for doctor appointments. I saw him out heartily working in the yard today. I think his marrow transplant is getting close, and I hope and pray that the treatment works to rid him of the disease. No matter what happens, it was great to see him out enjoying this beautiful weather.

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