Monday, May 24, 2010

One reason I love having boys

You get to have funny conversations about penises.

During our zoo trip we stopped in one of the restrooms and as I was taking a seat Gabriel yelled out, "Mama you have a penis!" But I think he really meant it in the form of a question. That's just not how it came out. So I explained to him that "no, I do not have a penis. Boys have penises. Girls do not." I'm sure the other zoo patrons in the bathroom found this enlightening.

So after his nap a few days later, we had this conversation:

"Mama, you don't have a penis."

"No I don't. We found that out at the zoo the other day, didn't we?"

After thinking about this for a long time and apparently forgetting about our bathroom conversation, he said, "But animals don't have penises."

And I said, "Yes, many of the boy animals do. Certain animals, like maybe fish, might not. But boy elephants and boy monkeys do.

He thought long and hard again and said, "No they don't. They have tails."

"Well, they might have both a tail and a penis."

"Oh." At which point his brain was about to explode if he thought about it any longer, so he ran off to play.

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