Monday, July 25, 2011

Teachers, good and bad

We haven't had a laptop or desktop working for two weeks because our modem (router?) went kaput. Time to get a little caught up on what we've been up to.

Joel and I have been attending a Mommy and Me swim class at the downtown YMCA. The first class was great, and reminded me of the Emler Swim School class that Gabriel and I took when he was the same age. Unfortunately, the instructor for that day was just subbing for our regular one. His name is Alex. He thinks he is cooler than cool and about 22 years old. Maybe. He spent the first class talking. His information was good and helpful, but I was a little irritated that he never got in the water and tried to meet his students face to face. Now we have two classes out of 6 left and he has yet to get in the water. He watches us Moms do our best to follow his sparse suggestions from the side of the pool. Give me a break. We are basically paying for the use of the pool every Saturday morning. I remember alot from that class at Emler, so I'm doing ok on my own. So well, in fact, that I think Joel is getting close to swimming on his own, but he still won't be anywhere near 10 seconds like Gabriel was at the end of his class. I guess you get what you pay for, but sadly Emler now only has a location in Southlake, and I'm not making that drive. Sheesh. At least Joel is having fun.

On the other side of the teacher spectrum, Gabriel had his first week of two weeks of swimming sessions with Mr. Bryan, who he took from last year. Mr. Bryan might just be the best teacher of anything I've ever seen. There are two kids in each 30 minute session, of comparable age and swimming level. This year Gabriel is with Kate, a 4-year-old spunky cutie. They are both making amazing strides every day. Gabriel is getting almost all the way across the short length of the pool on top of the water, swimming well underwater, jumping off the diving board (!) and starting to learn arm strokes. The jump in maturity level between last summer and this one is enormous. Last year our class was in the morning, this year we got bumped to 5pm since we didn't sign up quickly enough. Jav was worried that Mr. Bryan would be tired from teaching all day. But there is NO difference. This man is truly amazing. He is positive even about problems, he constantly gives them confidence, and he knows how to get them to have fun. There is no greater joy I have felt as a parent than watching Gabriel excel at something he had trouble with before, and have so much fun doing it. I've been on a high all week.

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