Friday, September 23, 2011


Jav and I were going about our normal post-kids' bedtime things. He was paying bills online and I was moving around laundry and addressing Gabriel birthday party invitations (more about the big birthday boy later). I was walking from the living room into the hallway and felt the weirdest sensation of the whole house moving. I also heard things rattling. It was only for about 2-3 seconds, but the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I got cold chills all over. I went into the bedroom and asked Jav, "What the heck was that?" His eyes were wide and he pointed to our TV armoire and said, "I don't know but that whole thing moved."

We decided it might have been a gas well explosion. Other things flew through my head, like airplane crash, huge tree branch fell on the house, or earthquake. Although that last option flew back out of my head pretty quickly. I also thought about the Space Shuttle mission that exploded over Texas We checked local stations to see if there was breaking news, but nothing. About 30 minutes later, I realized Bones was nowhere to be found. He's usually bugging us to go to the garage for the night by that time of night. He was under Jav's desk and wouldn't come out for another hour.

We found out this morning that there was an earthquake, 2.5 on the Richter scale, the epicenter of which was near Waxahachie. WOW! I knew it! And as cool as it was to experience it, we were sobered to think about what it would be like to experience a quake measuring 9 or higher, like Haiti and Chili did.

On a lighter note, when I told Gabriel about it, he asked if "those two moles were making the earthquake". We checked out a book from the library a while back called "Earthquack" about farm animals feeling the ground shake. At the end of the book, it turns out that there was no earthquake, only a couple of moles digging some tunnels. So I explained that no, it wasn't moles. It was big chunks of the earth way down deep banging into each other. This happens all of the time, and we usually don't feel it.

But we felt this one, my friend.

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