Sunday, February 05, 2012

Superbowl, Schmuperbowl

The commercials are the only reasons to watch the Superbowl, and even then they cut the good parts out. Here is the long version of the best one.

My sister-in-law had invited the family over to watch, but Jav suggested that I take the opportunity to take my mom and do some desperately needed clothes shopping. When Gabriel found out that I wasn't going to join them, this was our conversation at lunch:

G: "Mommy, I'm so sorry you're not going be with us to see the BIGGEST football game of the year!"
Me: "Oh, that's ok sweetie. I'm really ok with it."
G, after thinking about this for awhile: "Mommy, you really love baseball, don't you?"
Me, with huge smile on my face: "Yes I do, Gabriel. Yes I do."

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