Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Last day of Kindergarten

The absolutely WONDERFUL Mrs. Barrientos, a.k.a. Mrs. B. I am going to miss her more than I can say.  Hopefully she'll still be there when Joel hits Kindergarten in two years.

Gabriel had his last day of Kindergarten today.  The year started with daily meltdowns over the long school day, and had a few bumps during the year (talking back to the teacher, more meltdowns if he didn't understand directions).  But then he started a library reading program, and his teacher started him on a reading program called SRE cards.  She was great enough to realize he was bored when the other kids were working on reading and took care of his boredom.  He made 100 on every library reading test and SRE test.

We told him in March if he could go the remainder of the school year with no negative comments from his teacher about ANYTHING, he would get a BIG reward when school was over.  He did it.  Not one problem came up, and he came home happy every day.

I forgot to look in his folder last Friday when he got home.  Normally Mrs. B just writes, "Have a good weekend!"  But thank goodness I finally looked at it yesterday afternoon, because she had written this:  "Please try to come to the Wednesday Mass because Gabriel will be receiving a special award.  Secret."  I called work right away to tell them I would be late.  Jav sadly just couldn't get off work, but my mom agreed to come with me.  The only problem I have with his school is the lack of warning we have for things, sometimes big things!  We had no idea that the Award Ceremony would be following the Mass on Wednesday, and didn't know about the Mass until Tuesday when I picked him up.  Poor communication.

But we couldn't help but get a little excited.  We told him that Mamaw and I were coming to Mass since it was the last one of the year.  It was wonderful.  Father Paul told them to do three things for the remainder of the day:  Thank God, thank your parents, and thank your teachers before going home.  All for their school.  We sat through Honor Roll certificates and Music Department recognition.  Then they got to Citizenship, which I still don't really understand the meaning of.  They said one girl and one boy from each grade.  Kindergarten was first, and Kalilah, his best friend, was announced as the girl.  He was so excited for her and surprised.  Then they announced his name as the boy.  He was flabbergasted.  But he went up there after an encouraging nod from me and a yank from Mrs. B.  Kalilah's parents and I ran to get a picture of all of them:  (Some of them still getting certificates and medals).  Gabriel is on the far right, Kalilah on the left.

When he got back to his seat, he showed me the award.  It said it was for "Outstanding Student".  He leaned over and whispered, "Is this for Student of the Month?", something he had really wanted but that had eluded him all year.  I said "No, it's sort of for Student of the Year.  Which is even better, isn't it?"  He beamed so brightly.  We went outside and got to take a picture of both of them.  Mrs. B had the whole class give them a big, "Hip, hip, hooray!!!"  and clap.  He wondered aloud in the car driving home if maybe he and Kalilah won the awards because they are such good friends and good for each other's learning.  I was thinking that and pretty proud of him to realize it on his own.  In fact, I'm so darn proud of him I can't think straight today!  Wow, did he ever come a long way.  I must give most of the credit to Mrs. B, who knows how to find their gifts and show the students they have them, giving them confidence.  Gabriel gets credit for working so hard to follow the guidelines we set.  The last credit is up for debate.  His parents, or Kalilah?  Maybe both.

First grade, here we come!!

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