Saturday, April 25, 2020

Pandemic sheltering - random thoughts, week ?, I've lost track

The last time we all walked into a restaurant to eat was March 12th, during Spring break week.  We went to try out Game Theory, this very cool restaurant that also has every board game you could ever think of and then some to pick out and play before, during and after eating great food and sipping craft beers.  We were in the very early stages of this thing and wondered if we should even be going.  But we had a great time and now it seems like a dream.  So many things have changed.  So many horrible stories have been heard and so many people have died.

The hardest thing about this is the unknown factor.  Will it come back if things open up too soon?  Will we all have to shelter in place again if the curve starts going up and up?  Will summer be like this has been, with very little interaction with anyone in person, everyone online, and we have to hope like crazy we don't get tired of our little circle of loved ones we are stuck in this house and yard with.  Will we be able to hug our parents at some point before a vaccine is developed and administered?  This one really stings.  My mom said to me yesterday that it really isn't fair that she is having to spend any part of her twilight years like this.  I told Jav that if we both have to go back to work full time at some point what are we going to do with the boys?  They aren't ready to stay by themselves all day and they can't be around Jav's mom.  He said that Tita has to make that decision and that she may not care about the consequences so much as she cares about being close to and hugging the boys.  It's just an awful, hard, stressful situation with so many huge important decisions we are going to have to make.

The boys are in desperate need of a haircut.  DESPERATE.  And I am in desperate need of hair color.  D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-E.

I'm going to do a post to catalog a typical day for me in this thing.

I have three things keeping me sane right now:
1)  the dogs
2)  Yoga with Adriene (with the dogs surrounding me) every day around 3 (she also deserves her own separate post soon).
3)  Soaking up my vitamin D every day around 2 (and yeah you guessed it - the dogs come out with me).  I sit in the sun in the backyard and let it wash over me like a summer wave.  I have never done this before and something about it is so comforting and healing I can't even explain it.  But the last few days I have become way overheated before I'm ready to come in.  I'll have to go out in the mornings I guess if it's gonna start getting hot.  And then I hear today that studies are being conducted regarding ultraviolet light and how it could fight off the virus.  Who knew I had preemptive health and healing superpowers?

There are so many new people we are seeing every night when we venture out for our dog walks (Gabriel rides his bike and Joel his scooter because he had outgrown his bike).  People with kids and dogs are literally filling the streets in some places and it's hard to stay six feet apart.  A few people have been a little rude about it.  But for the most part everyone is very friendly.  It's one of the things I hope won't go away even when the threat of the virus does.

Keeping up with food is almost a full time job by itself.  The next post I do will be about this.

We finally got to see my parents for a visit in our backyard today and it made me very happy.

I read an article written by a professor arguing for graduating high school seniors to plan to NOT attend whatever college or university they'd been accepted to.  Because of how expensive it is - do you really want to set up in a dorm and then have to go back home when this thing riles its ugly head again?  Do you really want to take crappy online classes instead of being in a classroom with great banter and conversation?  None of this bodes well for Jav's job and that makes me dizzy with anxiety.

The boys and I set up a croquet course yesterday.  We've played two games but our grass is too long to have a fair, good match.  Playing croquet always reminds me of playing in my grandparents' backyard in the summertime with my brother.  I think we will try beanbag toss tomorrow, or Cornhole as it's affectionately called these days.

I am facing the seemingly impossible task of downloading tons of CD music to a portable hard drive to clear up space in both this laptop storage and to get rid of all of our bulky CD's.  Impossible to fathom.  I bet we have at least 500 CD's.  Ugh.

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