Saturday, June 11, 2005

This little light o'mine

Is anyone out there lucky enough to have fireflies in their yard? What wondrous little creatures! I get just as excited seeing one as I did when I was 5 years old. Maybe that's part of their appeal-they make you feel like a kid again. Added to the fact that you can only see them in early summer, and only during dusk, and I guess that makes them pretty special. Dusk has always been my favorite time of the day. In Texas, this means the quiet time between the locusts singing during the day and the katydids starting up at night. Before I lived in the "country", I never paid much attention to any of these things. I think I just had the mentality of "Eeeeeeuuuuuuwwwwww - bugs!" But now, they are as much a part of my summer as sprinklers and suntan oil. I love that my husband has become transformed and appreciates nature now in the same stages I went through. We are slowly starting our house hunt, and my main criteria is a big yard. I guess I'm hoping to hang onto some of the magic of this wilderness that surrounds us. In the meantime, you'll find me on the porch, sipping on a beer, watching the sun go down, and hoping to see that little spark of summer.


Julie said...

We're lucky enough to have fireflies here in the middle of Dallas too. Jim and Grace have spent a few evenings outside catching them and putting them in a jar to look at (and to set free once the examining is done). But much to Grace's dismay they don't seem to want to light up while in the jar.

junebee said...

I wish we had fireflies here in FL. I'd gladly trade any one of the myriad of disgusting bugs we have here for fireflies. We had them in PA where I gre up.