Sunday, July 03, 2005

My Fourth of July Wish

I wish that other Americans would try to understand that even though I am against war, I pray for our troops to make it home safely, and am grateful of all veterans, past and present, for the freedoms they have made possible.

I wish that other Americans who have complaints about what is going on in our goverment would stop the finger-pointing and name-calling and instead start to write letters to local councils, state legislators, or the US Congress, or get involved somehow. This seems a much more positive way to bring about change for the better.

I wish that every eligible citizen would vote.

I wish that our representatives in Congress could stop tyring to prove that their party is better, or that the other party is worse, and find common ground more often in order to get things accomplished.

I wish that local governments could rally against developers who clear cut trees, especially old growth trees.

I wish that the Federal Government would get really serious about research of alternative energy sources.

I wish that the traditional American spirit of conquering every single inch of wilderness to use for human consumption would fade, and a new appreciation for what made this country beautiful centuries ago would flourish.

I wish that all Americans could find respect for the environment.

Have a happy and safe Fourth!


LillyRose said...

I totally agree.

I think you are awesome for writing this.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful 4th of July wish. You know how much I agree with everything you wished for. Reading this blog makes me so proud to be your Mom.

Anonymous said...

You and many USA citizen are the razon we the rest of de world hate you... You are very dumm, and you have a lot of atomic bombs. Shit waiting to happen