Monday, January 16, 2006

Welcome back Harry

I know I'm a little slow in getting to it, but I finally started the latest Harry Potter last week. We get the audio books and listen while in the car, and it's so great to have a story read to me. Especially when the person reading the story (Jim Dale) has won so many awards it's ridiculous, and is considered the best in his field. He's kept the voices constant for every character throughout six books now. But back to Harry. I keep driving Jav crazy, coming up with all of these crazy theories about what's happening. It's not my fault he read it first! I will think of nothing else until I finish.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Oh I'm so glad I'm not the only one who hasn't read the Harry Potter book yet. I have it right here next to my bed to start (it's too big for me to read while getting Alex to bed which is where I usually do most of my reading). But I spend so much damn time reading and writing BLOGS when I come to bed that the book remains unopened!