Thursday, July 20, 2006

Brain-dead entertainment

Jav and I have this strange thing in common. We like to watch those Time-Life CD compilation infomercials late at night. We caught the Best of Disco last Saturday night, with KC (yes, that one, formerly with the Sunshine Band) and a very perky and bouncy infomercial model/aspiring actress. I guess this shameful habit is made up of part reminiscing, part amusement at the clothes and hairstyles in the music clips, part competition (Jav had heard of way more songs than I had - which means I won because that makes him older), and part just loving the fact that you can completely turn off your brain to watch it. You'll find us there, remote in hand, searching for Classic Country Hits, or Instrumental Favorites, after we've given up on Saturday Night Live and lost all TV watching dignity.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Oh my lord - I've gotten sucked into those too when Jim has been out of town. And the KC one is wild. He didn't age too good!