Thursday, August 24, 2006


My friends threw me a wonderful baby shower. Great food, advice, conversation and friendship coming together to celebrate this little cause of wonder I have inside me. I'm very thankful that we've all stayed close throughout the years. I am not one to make close friends very easily. I've made a few through work. I'm feeling closer and closer to my sisters-in-law as we all get to know each other better. I hope to make some through church. But it's such a great feeling to get together with my high school friends and slide right back into wherever we left off. The years just disappear, and all the talking and laughter we share is so therapeutic and valuable to me. I hope we can manage to keep it up for many years to come.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Once the kids get old enough we can start doing some girl weekends together. It is great to get together with you guys.