Thursday, August 07, 2008

Attitude adjustment needed

Ok, so today is my birthday.  I usually don't have a hard time with birthdays.  Like my Dad says, celebrating another one is better than the alternative!  This year, however, finds me pretty down about some stuff.  The two biggest things are not being pregnant with a second child yet and my best friend moving away (post to follow in a few weeks).  Neither of which I have much control over at this point.  So, knowing how many wonderful blessings I have in my life, I'm trying to rally and move forward.  

Instead of wallowing, I'm going to talk about famous people I share a birthday with, along with some interesting things that happened in history on this day.

Notables born August 7th:
Two artists:  Grandma Moses and Andy Warhol, neither of whose works I enjoy all that much.
Two actors:  David Duchovny and Charlize Theron, both of whom I usually enjoy and respect their talent.
One historical figure:  Mata Hari, the spy.

Some interesting facts about this date:  Jack the Ripper committed his first murder on August 7th, 1888.
The Purple Heart Medal was established on this date in 1782.
And Peter Jennings died on this day in 2005.  

One more cool tidbit is that Lucille Ball, who I think is the greatest comic actress ever, missed my birthday by one day.  (She was born August 6th, 1911.)  


Julie said...

Wow - what a hotty, hotty picture of David Duchovny. Thank you. I can't wait for Californication to start up again on Showtime.

Happy birthday my dear friend. I may be moving far away, but will always be near you in my heart (and will be back for many holidays!).

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that. And regarding the picture, I didn't notice the weird barcode placement until after I'd posted.