Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bones: From crotchety to cuddle muffin

For some reason, I had a very sad Henry moment this morning.  I was watching Elmo with Gabriel and I got really sad all of a sudden and missed that big drooly purring lump in my lap.  I was crying, but trying to pull myself together so Gabriel wouldn't wonder why Elmo was making Mama sad.  Luckily he was oblivious, but I noticed Bones staring at me.  I asked him if he missed Henry sometimes too.  

Well, when we got home from doing our Thursday thing several hours later, we walked into Gabriel's room and there was the fishing pole with the curly ribbon tied to it.   I couldn't play with the cats using that fishing pole for about a month after we lost Henry.  Then I decided to switch out the little fish with the bell that I had custom made so Henry could hear it with some curly ribbon that someone had left after a birthday party.  I have been making a concentrated effort to play with Bones and Zoe more lately.  But, not only has the fishing pole not made it's way into Gabriel's room since Henry died, Bones has NEVER left a toy for anybody before in the house.  You really could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw it.

Then as soon as Gabriel was asleep, Bonesy came and curled up in my lap and let me pet him for the longest time.  I'm not sure if Bones was letting me know that he's a little more content now that there are fewer pets and I have more time to play with him, or if he knew how much I needed that little extra lovin'.  Either way, it sure did make me feel better.  And it just further confirms my belief that animals are instinctively so much smarter than most people give them credit for.

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