Monday, August 18, 2008

It might be haircut time

We're debating whether or not to get Gabriel's hair cut before he starts Day School in two weeks.  His curls seem as if they've become a big part of his identity, at least to me.  I've only had two people ask if he was a boy.  Everyone else knew he was boy through and through.  And most of the Moms we've had conversations with waiting in lines or shopping have said, "Don't you touch that hair!" whenever I mention that we're thinking about cutting it.   But it is getting really long, and sometimes hangs down in his face, and I promised myself I wouldn't let him look shaggy.

I know that besides starting school, his first haircut will probably be one of the most emotional things I'll have to go through.  The result will be such a visual symbol that he's growing up and not a baby anymore.  And I'm going to be so sad if the curls never come back.  But maybe it would be better to get both things over with at the same time.  

Shaggy all of a sudden doesn't seem so bad!

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