Sunday, August 10, 2008

That's the signpost up ahead...your next stop, The Terrible Two Zone

Multiple screams of horror follow.  

My son has entered his next phase in life.  Boy did I have it easy up until now.  He has always been so good in every situation, whether it be a trip to the grocery store, eating out, or family get-togethers.  As long as I had snacks in my purse to satisfy him throughout the duration of a trip to the store, he's always been so happy.

Oh.    My.    God.    He now tries to stand up in the cart the whole time we're shopping.  We gave up on trying to make him stay in one at Lowe's one night (a horrible time to be shopping with a toddler, by the way).  We finally let him down and he proceeded to run up and down the aisles, making a noise similar to a recently freed caged animal.  Then he spotted the abandoned forklift.  His new goal in life was to touch it, then he wanted to move the knobs and push buttons, which would have involved climbing on top of it.  This was not going to happen, so multiple screams, sitting on the ground, and limping out of his entire body followed.  

The next clue that we have entered the TTZ was in Barnes and Noble, where we were browsing with my Mom and nephew.  Anytime I tried to take his hand, he would squeal in protest and run the other way.  If I happened to be too quick for him and grab it, he would sit on the ground, followed by me trying to pick up a limp-boned 33-pound dead weight.  I finally had to carry him sideways to keep him from bowing his entire body, all the while making his now very loud squeals.    I REALLY hate to be in a store while my child is causing such a ruckus, and of course told everyone we needed to make a hasty exit.  

Apparently I will have to get used to it, though, if I want to venture out in public for the next couple of months.  I'm hoping that eventually he'll mature enough so that I can use bribes and/or threats of taking Teletubbie-watching privileges away to make it through a shopping expedition.  For now I will just pack extra snacks, try to be patient and loving even though my child is acting like the Tasmanian Devil, and pray.  

1 comment:

Julie said...

I still occasionally have to use the sideways hold. But know that by age 3 1/2 the threat of grounding from TV/computer seems to be working.