Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Overseas infatuation

We're not really YouTubers at our house.  At least, we weren't.  One day I was searching for Beatles cartoons, and noticed a "currently watched" video called "Charlie Bit My Finger...Again."  I'm not sure why it intrigued me enough to click on it, but Gabriel was in a trance from the moment it started to play.  Apparently these little guys from across the pond have been pretty popular, but we are a bit slow to catch onto these trends.  We started watching all the Harry and Charlie spots, and after Gabriel saw Charlie Commando Training, he was hooked.  He wanders around the house chanting "Daddy" with his little English accent, and continually pulls us to wherever the laptop is so he can watch it again.  And again.  And again.  I find it fascinating, because we've since tried to get him to watch all sorts of spots with other toddlers, and none of them get even a wink of interest from him.  But for some reason, Gabriel feels some kind of connection with Charlie.   I only wish Charlie had said more words in his video.  Gabriel could use some coaching!

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