Thursday, February 26, 2009

3 out of 5 just doesn't work

I have discovered over the past week that I need all five of my senses to life a sane and happy life.  While battling my 3rd sinus infection this allergy season, I have lost both my sense of smell and my sense of taste.  And I mean lost them.  Completely.  For about a week I haven't known what I'm putting on the table for dinner.  I knew I used my sense of smell to keep track of the things I'm cooking, and I've burned several things (almonds, bread) because I couldn't rely on my nose to remind me I had things browning in the oven.  

And the taste loss is really weird.  I can taste textures and cold versus hot, but that's it.  I can just barely taste acidity if I'm eating something with citrus or tomato.  It's taking all the fun out of eating!  I was so proud to throw together a new pita sandwich last night of homemade hummus with roasted red peppers, roasted eggplant, and Kalamata olives.  I couldn't taste a thing except for a tiny bit of acidity from the lemon juice in the hummus.  Jav said they were great, though.  And I really got the short end of the stick for Mardi Gras, when I was supposed to enjoy a lovely, grease-dripping Sonic cheeseburger before my 40 days with no meat.  I couldn't taste a thing.  

I think this happened to me once before, and eventually everything returned to normal.  But it would really be sad if this was a permanent affliction.  I love to eat WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY too much to ever get used to it.

1 comment:

Christi (Hutchins) Dick said...

I had a taste bud infection once which was very bizarre. I was miserable for days until it cleared up. I know exactly how you feel.