Friday, March 06, 2009

What a week!

I haven't had time to stop and breath this week.  It's almost like we had Spring Break early, and we've been blowing and going nonstop all week.

Monday morning I started my new workout routine, which involves getting up just before 6 every morning but Sunday.  It sounds crazy, but I'm pretty determined.  At least I was until sore and highly underused muscles kept me from doing anything the last two mornings.  And I'm sure the time change Sunday will NOT be helping my determination next week.  

Tuesday night was Richard Thompson.  This really deserves a post by itself, so that's what I'll do.  

Wednesday morning I worked on my article for our newsletter all morning because I had a deadline.  (I love writing that.  It makes me feel like I'm an actual writer).  I've decided to get a little more hard-hitting, but at the same time wanted to make sure I got all my facts straight.  I figure that while I've actually got a platform to get my thoughts on the environment and conservation out there, I might as well use it to its fullest advantage.  Wednesday night was Book Club, and was just so much fun even though I was tired from staying up later than normal Tuesday night.  I've decided everyone in our book club has such a knack for making their homes comfortable.  Every month I can't wait to get there and relax with a glass of wine and talk about whatever multiple subjects get thrown on the table.  Oh yeah, and there's also a great book discussion somewhere in there too.

Thursday I worked all morning on a do-it-yourself project, which I have decided I'm not very good at.  I was covering a bulletin board with fabric and a ribbon border to hang in the hallway to post Gabriel's latest artwork and family pics.  If my Mom hadn't helped me I'd probably still be working on it.  (Stop giggling about me, you sewing types.  You know who you are).   But it made me mentally tired the rest of the day.

Today we went to Weatherford and had a play date and lunch with April and Macy (my Mom got to come too).  We had a great time, even though Gabriel and Macy aren't quite to the point where they're playing together.  But they'll get there.  Gabriel fell asleep 10 minutes from home, and I tried to sneak him in and put him down so he'd keep sleeping.  But he decided that's all the nap he needed.  He's about to fall over he's so tired.  Actually so am I!

Tomorrow we have a possible basketball game of Jav's Godson, Andrew, in the morning, and then our week will culminate in the thing I've been looking forward to all month - the Irish Festival in Fair Park.   We're going with Jav's sister and boyfriend, who we always have fun with.  And we get to see an ex-classmate (and son of book club member Joyce) play in his new band, Jiggernaut, while we're there.  It should be good times multiplied!

Sunday, we are doing nothing.  We've earned it.


Julie said...

Are you taking Gabriel to the Irish Festival? I hope you have nice weather for it. So jealous! Tell Matt I said hi.

Anonymous said...

I will do that. And no, we're not taking Gabriel. I figured after seeing one band and fifteen minutes of crazy costumes and dogs he'd be ready to go home and play. Plus this is date night! It's supposed to be 80, no rain and windy (as usual) today.