Monday, April 26, 2010

A week of firsts

We had quite a week around our little household last week. Gabriel caught a new cold, this one all down in his throat and chest and making him cough. Joel began sleeping through the night, which just makes my life so much easier.

But Thursday was a big day. Joel rolled over for the first time, of course when I wasn't in the room. And Gabriel had his first experience up on a stage with his classmates to sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" during his school's fundraising evening. He didn't seem nervous or excited about it, but I don't think he was feeling very well. He sang and did all of the motions they were supposed to do, and smiled through the whole song. But the best part was just before they sang and he saw me waving at him, and he grinned really big and waved back. We taped it, of course, and then Jav, not knowing that I had rewinded it to show my Mom the next day, accidentally taped over it. This made me cry for a pretty long time. I know we will probably have many more on-stage performances to tape, but this was his first.

And then Friday night, Gabriel was waking up coughing, so much so that he would choke and get really scared. We decided to let him sleep with me in our bed (another first) and Jav slept on the couch. That night we had a pretty strong thunderstorm, and even though I hated having him feel so bad, it was really sweet to have him right next to me all night long.

I realize now that Joel is here and everything with him is changing so fast that I would like to make this blog like a scrapbook. I never got into scrapbooking, and I just don't think it will ever be my cup of tea. So this will become part baby book, part scrapbook and part diary. I just wish I would have thought of it when Gabriel was a baby. At least having the second one is jarring my memory constantly about that time, and maybe I can go back and get some of it down.

They stay little for such a short, short time.

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