Sunday, June 26, 2011

10 things...

I love about summer are:
-going to the farmer's market and the of bounty fruits and vegetables available.
-playing in the kiddie pool or the sprinkler with the boys, and going swimming in big pools.
-going for early morning walks in the quiet with Molly (although this is a little tough now - more later).
-working in the yard after the boys have gone to sleep - mostly watering, watering, watering.
-air conditioning.
-the toads that visit our yard, and finding them in all of the shallow water bowls I have sitting around the yard.
-adventure Thursdays with the boys.
-grilling, now that I finally got brave and made a successful and delicious meal all by myself!
-sweet tea.
-air conditioning!!!!!

I hate about summer are:
-mosquitos (biting the boys; they never bite me).
-sunscreen, and having to apply it to wiggly boys who are ready to swim.
-feeling pressure to keep my toenails painted and looking pretty all the time.
-working in the yard after the boys have gone to sleep. Yes, this is under both categories. It just depends on my mood.
-having to get the all the laundry done by 2 pm so the garage won't be even more of a hotbox when Bones goes out for the night.
-sweating, sweating, and more sweating, and feeling like I need a shower sometimes two or three times a day.
-loading the kids in a boiling hot car.
-windy days that don't bring rain.
-my hair. It just stays up.
-worrying about the city running out of water. I know, it's ridiculous, but it's what I do.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hee hee - I love the part about your hair. Got that right now myself in Port A.