Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I've heard about Pinterest and how wonderful it is through several friends. I never paid much attention because I don't pay much attention to anything that isn't kid or dog related these days. But last night, a mom of one of Gabriel's classmates started a new blog with post after post of these really cool things she's tried from seeing them on Pinterest. She's baked, organized, and made clips for her hair, just within the past two weeks of starting her Pinterest journey. She wrote that her creative side has awakened and she feels well, happier, than she's felt in awhile. When I told her today how much I had like reading her blog she said that it's really brought her out of a routine rut. She's someone I've grown to like and respect (she works part time as a pediatric nurse at Parkland Hospital), so her blog peaked my interest. A little. I actually looked up the website on Wikipedia to read a little more about it. Right now it seems confusing, just like Facebook did at first.

I hesitate to find out any more about it. I might really like it, and I don't have time to like anything else right now. We have stuff on the DVR we've taped from before Christmas that we can't seem to get to. But on the other hand, it seems like new recipes, tips for organizing stuff, easy to make crafts etc... might actually SAVE someone time in the long run, right? So I just don't know. I might just keep following my friend's blog. She's already inspired me to try and make some no-bake cookies and construct a really cool art supply organizer out of a bucket and a tool belt. Does it still count as Pinteresting even if I'm shamelessly stealing ideas, or is that what the site is all about?

So many questions, and so, so little time.


Julie said...

Pinterest is ALL about stealing other ideas. I think there are only one or two things that I have pinned that I actually found on my own. The rest were repinned from other friends of mine. And while I've found all these things, I have yet to actually act upon any of them (someday though...).

Susan said...

But it's fun to read through things that others like, copy and add them to my own Pinterest account. And strangely comforting to read through my own boards to see what I have added. But yes, it can eat up a lot of time.