Sunday, September 25, 2005

I'll get to it, one day

Do you ever have projects around the house that grow in your mind to be something so big that you know you'll never be able to finish them? I have one of those. I need to go through about twenty years of pictures. I want to throw out bad ones and duplicates, sort them by date, and pick out certain ones to put in frames. The rest need to be in photo boxes. I went through three envelopes with 24 pictures each today and it took me an hour, just taking my time and reminiscing. I figure at that rate it will take me a full three years to complete. So it just never gets done. And I keep adding more to the pile, although at a slower rate now that we seem to be using Jav's digital camera more. Maybe I'm also putting it off because of the emotional roller coaster I go on as I look through them. I always say I need a really good rainy, cold day to work. But I always end up laying around watching movies instead. Who wants to waste a perfectly good cold, rainy day doing a mammoth project? Give me good old-fashioned procrastination instead!

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